Chapter 22

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Trevor could feel eyes on them as they walked down the hallway of the school, curious eyes only a few were filled with snarkiness.

Ophelia was attached to him, arm wrapped around his as her body was snugged comfortable against his body. He didn't care about the watching and gossiping people but she did, she was nervous, scared, intimidated, there were many words that could go along with her anxiousness.

Trevor walked Ophelia over to her locker.  His back pressed against the cold metal as he foot pressed against its surface, his arms were crossed and his eyes studied everyone around them. Ophelia's shaky hand reached for the lock.

She could feel her heart pounding as she could've sworn, sweat dripped off of her hand. Trevor’s face was hard. Scary hard. Anyone looking quickly distracted themselves with other things.

"Nobody is looking," He turns his head towards her," so you can stop being nervous." Ophelia nods slightly. Her breath was still shaky as she opened her locker. She closed her locker and faced Trevor.

"Aren't you gonna get your books?" She asks, hugging her books close to her chest. "I have library but I usually skip it so I won't need my books." He answers. The first period bell rang. "I'll see later, okay?" Ophelia nods.

Trevor takes one of her books out of her hands and covers their faces from view as he leans down and captures her lips. He smirks down at her before leaving. Ophelia felt a tiny smile creep on her face as she walked to class.

Eyes were on her as soon she took a seat. The soft harsh sound of whispering began to stir up in the classroom. She felt something bubbly within herself, was it because she and Trevor were the talk of the school now or was it just because of her new boyfriend that she has?

Ophelia couldn't tell but one thing she could tell was that she loved the feeling of his soft lips against hers, how passionate he was and how gently he touched her.

Just the thought alone made the girl giddy. The late bell rang loud and clear throughout school. Their teacher, Mrs. Herick flashed a huge smile as she pushed her glasses up. Her smile was mainly full of gums instead of teeth.

Ophelia rested her cheek on her fist as she listened to her teacher give instructions. It was a lab, of course it was a lab. Mrs. Herick chose the partners, she always did.

Ophelia looked around, wondering who she was gonna get partnered up with. There were many people that she could get paired up with. "Ryan and Ophelia, you two will be paired up together." Mrs. Herick says.

Ophelia's eyes widened as she heard even more whispers all around her. Ryan nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he sent her an awkward but genuine smile.

'Out of all the people in here, I was paired up with the asshole who slept with my sister? Great, just great,' Ophelia thought as she rolled her eyes even more. More people started to get partnered up and soon were dismissed to their stations.

Ryan took a seat by her, glancing at her from the side of his eye every now and then. Ophelia ignored his very existence as she stared straight and listened to Mrs. Herick's instructions.

Ryan leaned in close to her ear. "Hey," he whispered, "how have you been?" Ophelia's eyes closed as she took a deep breath before blocking out his voice and worked on the lab as instructed.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened between your sister and I," Ophelia felt anger grow within her as he continued to open his mouth, "I was just so caught up in stuff that I just didn't…I mean…i-"

Ophelia growled lowly, "Listen to me and l mean listen to me, don't you dare give me that bullshit of an excuse. The only thing that you are sorry about was that you got caught and that I've moved on. Want some advice," Ophelia growled," move on and leave me the hell alone!"

Ryan's face dropped. "So it's true. You and the big bad wolf are together." He said. "And what of it?" Ophelia snarled. Ryan just shrugged sadly, "I never expected you to move on so fast. I mean you moved on with him of all people. I honestly feel insulted." Ryan says.

Ophelia sat there stunned. She stopped what she was doing and stared at him, pure shock was present. 'He's insulted? I know he isn't tryna turn this on me? That sonofa,' Ophelia thought.

"I know the fuck you didn't!" Ophelia shouted, catching the attention of the whole class.

"Don't you dare try to turn this on me when it was you that cheated on me with my slut of a sister. So excuse me for not wanting to be sad and miserable with your sorry ass. I'm not gonna sit back and wonder what I did to cause you to cheat for no sorry ass nigga that can barely even make a damn basket!" Ophelia yells.

People started to make noises and laugh. "Hell yeah I'm dating Trevor King and what of it. You're just mad that your small ass dick will never be able to pleasure me."

People either snickered or gasped. Ryan looked around frantically, sweat dripped down his forehead, heart racing as some students laughed at him.

"Mrs. Danvers, step outside please." Mrs. Herick tells her. "With pleasure." Ophelia grabs her bag and walks out of the classroom with a smirk on her face.

She waited for a bit before Mrs. Herick stepped outside. "Mrs. Danvers, that was inappropriate and uncalled for. I do believe you owe him an apology."

Ophelia frowned at her words. "Mrs. Herick, no offense but I'm not a child. It was inappropriate. I do understand that but he had it coming." Ophelia replies. "How so?" "He messed with me and I ain't that type of girl, you should know that."

Ophelia crossed her arms. The bell rang before Mrs. Herick could open her mouth. "I gotta go, I have family and consumer science. Bye."

Ophelia dashes off and disappears into the crowded halls with a satisfied smirk on her face.

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