Chapter 24

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Ophelia walked as she looked down at her phone, unaware of her surroundings. An arm grabbed her, swiftly. Pulling her back into a hard chest while a hand covered her mouth. Warm breath brushed against her ear.

"Hey sweetness." Ophelia shrugged off his arms. "Trevor I swear to fucking God." She hit his arm causing him to laugh. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" She shouts. Trevor could only laugh more as she pouted and crossed her arms; in his eyes, she looked like a kid.

"You're too cute." Ophelia swats away his hand as he teases her. "Now where did you wanna take me?" She asks. Trevor grabs her hand and strings her along towards the back of the school.

He paused in front of a door. "Trevor?" "Shh!" He demands. Trevor yanks open the door, holding it open for Ophelia who cocked an eyebrow at him. "Just c'mon." He urges.

Ophelia huffed, rolled her eyes, and walked inside with Trevor behind her. "Why are we in the school? I thought you were taking me somewhere else." Ophelia said.

"Nah, why take you somewhere that costs so much money just to get when we could," Trevor flips on the light," just go somewhere that is free." Trevor said.

The gym was decorated head to toe in light blues and white, practically a winterland. "What are we doing here? I thought the winter dance was canceled?" Ophelia questions.

"It is but I managed to "convince" principal Kane to let us have a simple and warm date before they take down everything." Trevor answers as he leads Ophelia over to a table.

"I wonder how you, Trevor King, the most stone cold and disrespectful boy in school, managed to get Janet Kane to let you use the gymnasium for a date." Ophelia rested her face in her hands as she watched him travel towards the back.

"I said that I'll voluntarily take her kids to meet Santa tomorrow while she and her wife have a day to themselves." Trevor walks back in with a plate full of small snacks.

"And she trusts you?" "Hey, for your information, I'm only doing this because I wanted to do something special for you and besides, Ma and the Kanes are close." Ophelia smiled gently down at the food.

"Ma helped me with this." Trevor says as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "It all looks delicious. Thank you." Ophelia smiled up at him. Trevor blushed at the compliment before taking a seat in front of her.

The sound of soft Christmas music hummed from the speakers towards the stage while the couple enjoyed their meal and chatted away.

Ophelia giggled while Trevor-who was lost and confused-starred up at her, very complexed "What's so funny?" Trevor questions, somewhat chuckling. "Firstly, you have frosting on your nose," Trevor’s eyes widened as he quickly wiped his nose clean, "Secondly, there is a woman standing on stage dancing over there, excitedly."

Trevor looked over his shoulder and groaned at the sight. "Ma! I thought I told you to leave!" He shouts. The woman-better known to Trevor as Ma-laughed as she climbed off stage and walked over to the pair.

"I'm sorry, Cutiepie but I had to meet the girl who enchanted my sweet little boy." She grinned as she pinched his cheek. "Ma, quit it!" He pouted, swatting away her hand.

Ophelia offered her hand out to her, "Ophelia Danvers, nice to meet you, Mrs. King." Trevor’s mom looked at the hand questionly before engulfing the young girl in a comforting and friendly hug.

"It's Miss. Datcher but you can call me Sloane dear." Miss Datcher, Sloane, tells her as she pulls away from her. Sloane takes in Ophelia's appearance.

"Out of all the people in the world, you chose my baby and I'm so grateful," Sloane's eyes started to tear up,"You have got to be one of the most beautiful girls that I have ever seen." Ophelia grinned bashful but proudly at the compliment.

Trevor stood beside his girl. Sloane blinked a few times before opening her mouth, "Oh right, I'm sorry. You were on a date and I practically barged in. You two have fun but not too much fun if you know what I mean."

"Ma!" Sloane smirked while Trevor blushed and Ophelia looked away-giggling like a baby. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will see you later, Cutiepie. Nice to meet you,dear." "Likewise Sloane." Sloane left the gymnasium.

"I'm sorry about her. She can get a bit too comfortable around people she has a good feeling about." Trevor frowned a little.

"It's fine. I promise." She kisses his cheek. Trevor sighs a little. "Now where were we?" "Right here."

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