Chapter 29

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Silence……nothing but pure silence as the couple stood on the sidewalk, watching the waves crash against the rocks. They couldn't go back to Sloane….not yet at least.

Ophelia leaned back on the hood of the car with her arms crossed. "Why?" She suddenly asks, catching him off guard.

Trevor looked at her from over shoulder, "Why what?" "Why did you go over there?" Trevor turned away and scoffed at her. "C'mon baby, don't ask questions that you know the answers to." Ophelia shrugged, though he didn't see it.

"I know the answer but I wanna know why you went over there." Trevor sighed loudly.

"I couldn't just sit there and try to console you without getting angry at them for what they did, so I guess I just decided I needed to pay a visit." Trevor shrugged, crossing his arms.

"That's not an excuse to pummel them."

Trevor whipped around quickly. "Excuse me but weren't you just screaming how much you hated them just a few days ago?"

"I mean yeah but-"

Trevor interrupted her. "Then what I did was justified." "You don't just lose your temper and nearly murder your girlfriend's dad, Trevor," she tells him, "damn it sometimes I wish I had different parents but I'm stuck with their DNA for the rest of my life. I understand that you meant well but you shouldn't have gone over there."

"Ophelia, they hurt you! How come you don't want to get even?" "Because they don't matter. Not anymore."

"But they do! The longer they get to be walking away pridefully without a care in the world for you, is another reason why I just break their jaws again and again."

Trevor and Ophelia were just inches away. A single vein twitches in his neck. Murder was written in his eyes. Fists were clenched tightly though they were cut.

"Your dad." She uttered. "What did you just say?" "Your dad. You have that same look in your eye that your mother described to me one day. So much hate and bloodlust."

Trevor stayed still, very still.

"I am nothing like him. That bastard is worthless to me." Trevor snarled, eyes hardening.

"Never home and the times he did come home: drink until sun up, smoked weed, scream at Ma and and sometimes hit her, or brought home another chick and slept with her even with Ma in the other room. But me…." He chuckles, "I would never do that to you. I resent him in every way possible."

Ophelia frowned, "what happened to him?" Trevor relaxed a bit as he leaned up against the car beside her. He thought about it for a bit before opening his mouth.

"Prison. The bastard killed his baby mama's husband for putting his hands on her but yet he did the exact thing to my mom. Ironic ain't it."

"Baby mama?"

"I got a kid brother God knows where. I only know his name and his existence, not even sure what he looks like or if he knows me." Trevor stretched out on the hood, scooting up to the windshield.

"You aren't the only one with a fucked family tree." Trevor joked but Ophelia didn't laugh. "Trevor?" "Yeah baby?" "Don't become like your Dad, promise me you won't. Don't kill, not for me, not for anyone." She begged. Trevor hesitated a bit. Ophelia's face was pleading with him, begging him.

Trevor, ultimately, sighed and agreed before directing his attention to the sky above. Ophelia cuddled in next to his side, her head laying on his chest. His arms traveled up and down her arm, stroking her. "I…I'm sorry." He stuttered, "I shouldn't have gone over there but god….it felt good to just do something to I don't know avenge you I guess…if you'd call it that."

He felt her nod against his chest. Silence again…..silent aside from the crashing of the waves. Ophelia's hand traveled up to his face and rested there for a bit.

He looked down at her. She stroked his soft cheek as she stared into his striking blue eyes. Her fingers ever so lightly brushed side to side while his hand caressed her spine.

The moon and the stars stared down at the couple, watching them and providing them with light. Waves crashed against some rocks.

"Take me wherever you go. Promise that you will," She begs. "Okay, Ophelia," He kissed her forehead," I will." Ophelia smiled as she felt his lips linger on her forehead for a bit. His other hand played with her braids as he looked out behind her.


"Hm?" "I don't know where life is gonna take us but just know I will always love you," He confessed. "I will always love you too," Ophelia pecked his cheek.

The couple cuddled together on the hood of the car, listening to the waves crash against rocks and the sounds of cars driving by.

Wrapped in each other's arms, their eyes slowly closed as serenity surrounded them. 

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