Chapter 4

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Charlie pushed open the door to the house. Aunt Carol was at the counter, sipping on some coffee. "Amanda!" She said, quickly hugging the little girl. "You're all sticky!"

Amanda gave her a toothy grin, "Aunt Charlie took me to get ice cream!" Aunt Carol gave Charlie a disapproving look.

"At seven in the morning?" She asked. Amanda nodded happily.

"Let's get you in the bath," Charlie said, leading the way to the bathroom. Amanda happily followed after. Charlie quickly ran a warm bath and helped Amanda get in. She left her to play in the water while she returned to the kitchen.

"Is Courtney here?" Carol asked.

"No. Courtney is missing." The word left a sour taste in Charlie's mouth. Carol's face dropped.

"What?" She whispered out.

"Jayden's in custody." Charlie said, leaning against the counter.

"And Amanda?"

"I'm going to take care of her," Charlie said. "I hope it's okay to have another child in the house."

"Of course!" Carol said, "she can take Courtney's old bed." Charlie nodded.

"I'll get her set up then head to the station," Charlie said. "Maybe I can talk with Jayden."

"And Amanda?"

"I'll take her with me." Charlie called, headed back towards the bathroom. She dressed Amanda in overalls with a flower sewn on the back pockets.

She tucked Amanda's feet into her shoes and then walked back into the kitchen. Carol was waiting by the door, looking ready to go. "I have to head to work. Mace or Don can tend to Amanda when they get home from school." She offered.

Charlie thanked her before walking outside. Luckily, Charlie's car had arrived while she was out. She placed Amanda's car seat in the back and strapped her in. She pulled from the house and headed to the police station.

It was a flurry of chaos.

Officers ran around, chatter filled the room. Usually, the station was quiet, nothing happening in this small town. "Can I help you?" Charlie turned to face a man. He was tall with blonde hair. His green eyes scanned over Charlie before moving to Amanda.

"I'm Charlie. I was hired recently." She said.

"This isn't a daycare. Children aren't allowed." The man said.

"I know. I'm not working on this case as it's my twin sister who is missing. I'm here to talk to Jayden Domen." Charlie explained.

"I'm Detective Daniels, I'm working on your brother-in-law's law case." He held out his hand and shook hands with Charlie. "Mr. Domen is in the interrogation room with his lawyer right now."

"May I see him?" Charlie asked.

"You'll have to wait until he gets bailed out." Detective Daniels replied. Charlie thanked him before walking to her uncle's office. Chief Frendsen. Charlie knocked before opening the door.

"Charlie," Robert said, hugging her. "Glad to see you at the station. You understand you won't be allowed to be involved with this case, right?"

"I know. I wanted to talk with Jayden." Charlie replied.

Robert have her a sympathetic smile, "you know the rules," he said. Charlie knew the rules, didn't mean she agreed with them. "Jayden will most likely be released today. We don't have any evidence that he committed the crime. I'll send him to you once he's released."

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