Chapter 16

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Charlie hid in her room the rest of the day. She was humiliated. How could she have given in so easily? Her cheeks burned just at the memory.

Courtney had visited her the other day and told her all about the baby. Charlie watched her sister's excitement and couldn't help but want one herself. Alas, there would be no baby without a man. As of now, she didn't have the funds to support her and a child on her own.

"And Finn is going to come by," Courtney said, "he's been asking Jayden about you."

"Why?" Charlie asked.

"Obviously he's worried for you." Charlie didn't comment, she just nodded. "Anyways, have you two talked about that night?"

Talked? No. Finn fingering Charlie after she denied that night ever happening? Yes. But Charlie wouldn't tell Courtney that. Even they had secrets.

Carol stepped into the room at that moment. "Finn's here to visit you," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Send him in," Courtney said.

"No, I can go meet him outside," Charlie said, standing.

"Just don't overdo yourself," Carol advised. Charlie nodded.

Finn stood on the front porch next to the swing. Charlie sat on the swing and he took a seat next to her. "How are you doing?" She asked.

"Good, good," he said. "We need to talk about what happened when I brought you home from the hospital." Charlie turned away as her cheeks burned brightly. "That was completely uncalled for and imposing. I'm very sorry. It was off topic for what I was going to ask."

His word mumbled together at the end, making it hard for Charlie to understand. She cut off his muttering, "what did you want to ask that day?"

"Will you go out with me?" He blurted out. Charlie's eyes widened a fraction. This hadn't been expected. "I'm not one to have friends with benefits and I feel as though I owe asking you that much."

"Oh." The single syllable hung in the air.

"I know that I completely intruded in on you and I understand if you say no," Finn continued.

"Yes!" Charlie said, cutting him off.


"Yes, I'll go out with you," Charlie amended. Finn's lips broke into a grin.

"Great! I'll pick you up this Friday at seven." Finn said, taking her hand in his.

"You seem to already have this planned out," Charlie laughed.

"I've been wanting to ask you before we slept together." Finn explained. Charlie laughed at the bluntness of the statement.

The two spoke as they sat next to each other. They conversed on many different things. Ranging from work to new food places coming to Stratford.

Finn left only once the sun had gone down. Courtney demanded answers once Charlie returned inside and Carol sat with Courtney as Charlie replayed everything that had happened.

"Oh my god! You two are finally going to date!" Courtney squealed, "I always knew you were a cute couple." Charlie laughed as Courtney rambled about what outfit Charlie should wear and how she should do her hair.

"Did he tell you where you're going?" Carol asked when Courtney suggested wearing her hair in curls. "Your uncle took me to a rodeo for our first date. I ruined a dress and a pair of shoes."

"No, he didn't. I can text him and ask," Charlie replied.

"No!" Courtney said, "I'll ask him. He's probably going to ask Jayden for help."

"True," Charlie replied. "Now I only have four days to overthink everything." The comment was light and joking.

"Trust me, you'll be fine. I mean, you did date before. You had that guy back in California," Carol said.

"Ya, and you've known Finn longer than anyone in San Francisco," Courtney added.

"I think it's just weird that we know each other. If we do date and it doesn't work out, then things will be awkward," Charlie explained. She tried to not overthink every little thing.

Would Finn expect sex after the first date because they had already slept together? Was this just because he felt guilty? Truth be told, Charlie wasn't completely off put by the idea of having sex with Finn. However, she didn't want to build a relationship just off of sex.

Finn had told her he didn't do friends with benefits. Charlie just wondered if he would do a relationship with just sex.



Charlie rang her hands as Courtney placed her hair into a ponytail. "You'll do fine. You've been on date before."

"I know. This is just different," Charlie replied.

"Why? Because you've had a crush on this guy since eighth grade?" Courtney asked, smiling cheekily.

"It had not been that long." Was Charlie's weak reply. "I just know him and we share the same friends. If things don't work out, it'll be awkward."

"If he breaks your heart, I'll break him." Courtney replied.

Charlie laughed lightly. "Everything will be fine." She said, trying to convince herself while she convinced Courtney.

The doorbell rang and Courtney squealed. "That must be him!" She said. "I'll go answer it. Come down in just a little bit. But not too soon. And don't trip down the stairs."

"Courtney," Charlie interrupted. "You're making me nervous."

"Sorry." Courtney ran from the room and towards the front door. "Charlie!" Courtney yelled up the stairs a few moments later. "The doors for you."

Charlie smiled and rolled her eyes. She began making her way downstairs. She stopped just on the bottom step. "Brody?"


For those of you who don't know, Brody is Charlie's boyfriend she had when she was in San Francisco. They broke up when Charlie decided to move back to Texas and haven't contacted each other since.

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