Chapter 10

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"Charlie." The sound lulled Charlie from her sleep. She hadn't realized how tired she was. She shifted before opening her eyes. Her eyes widened as she saw Finn's face inches from her. "Charlie," he said again.

"I'm awake." Charlie's breath came out more breathy than she would've liked. Finn's eyes darted to her lips, then back up to her eyes.

"We found the car," he said, pulling away quickly. Charlie regained her composure and nodded.

"Where?" She demanded.

"Five miles outside of Oklahoma City. He got pulled over for a traffic violation and was arrested. Apparently he wouldn't cooperate." Finn paused for a moment. "They found Courtney in the trunk."

"What?" Any sleep Charlie had been feeling was gone. "Is she okay?"

"She was taken to the hospital. That's all I know." Finn said.

"How close are we?" Charlie asked.

"Ten minutes." Finn replied as a sign for Oklahoma City limited came into view. "Hopefully traffic isn't that bad."

"And Jayden?"

"He's already there with Robert." They sat in silence, Charlie's thought ran wild. Her leg bounced as she nibbles on her bottom lip. She needs something to get her mind off of the thoughts running through her mind.

Finn reached over the consol and placed a hand on on her bouncing leg. Her leg stopped moving due to shock at the gesture. She looked out the window as they arrived at the hospital.

Charlie rushed from the car and inside the building. "I'm here for Courtney Domen," she said.

"How are you related to her?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm her twin." Charlie's patience was short that the woman wasn't helping.

"Room 4 on the second level." The receptionist said. Charlie rushed down the hall and to the elevator. She tapped her foot as they ascended to the second level. Finn followed her out of the elevator and passed the second floor reception area. Charlie entered Courtney's room.

Jayden sat next to the bed, his hand in Courtney's. He had been quietly conversing with Robert who looked up upon Charlie's unannounced arrival. Charlie's eyes moved to Courtney's still body. She had a couple bruises and scraps but overall looked okay.

But looks weren't everything. "How is she?" Charlie asked, her voice quiet.

"She's going to be okay. She had some bruising and there are remains of a drug that was used." Jayden said.

"And the baby?"

"Healthy." Jayden grinned. Charlie felt as if she could breathe since she got back to Texas. Her shoulders slumped forwards. "Courtney is just resting. She needs a lot of rest to sleep off that drug they gave her."

"And Link Johnson is going away for a long time." Robert said, he placed a comforting hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Everything is going to be okay."

Charlie nodded as her eyes drifted back to her twin. All that was left was for Courtney to open her eyes.


Charlie sat outside Courtney's room. She had woken up moments before but hadn't built up enough courage to enter the room. Finn exited Courtney's room and sat next to Charlie. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

Charlie eyes remained on Courtney's door. "I don't know. The last time I talked with Courtney was seven years ago." Charlie sighed. "I'm not even sure what I would say to her."

"Are there still bitter feelings?"

Charlie immediately shook her head. "No. I got over that pretty quickly. Mostly, I feel as though she is going to hate me. I spent seven years ignoring her because I didn't want to admit that I overreacted. I know that they love each other. And it was stupid of me to date Jayden even when it was seven years ago. I never liked him. It was just," she trailed off. "I don't know."

"Well, I do know that Courtney is inside that room, waiting to talk with you. Don't let the past get in the way now." Finn advised.

Charlie rubbed her hands on her pants leg before nodding. "Alright," she said. She stood and made her way to the door. She opened it quietly. "Knock, knock," she said.

Courtney looked up from the bed and smiled. Her eyes became glossy and Charlie felt a lump form in her throat. Charlie entered the room fully and sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry," Courtney choked out.

"I'm sorry too," Charlie said, immediately hugging her sister. They sat hugging for a moment before Charlie pulled back. "We have a lot to catch up on," she said.

Courtney laughed. "A lot." She agreed.

"Mommy!" The moment was interrupted by Amanda running into the room. Carol followed behind with Mace and Don close behind.

"Hi baby girl," Courtney said, hugging her daughter.

"I missed you," Amanda said.

"I did too." Courtney smiled.

"I got to hang out with Aunt Charlie while you were gone." Amanda talked as if Courtney went on vacation. Charlie wa happy that was the way the young child saw it. "She got me ice cream and I got to sleep in your old bed, Mommy!" She explained the events of the last few days in detail, using her hands sometimes.

Courtney listened closely, taking in every detail, making small comments here and there. Carol hugged her niece, her eyes teary. Mace and Don gave Courtney a bouquet of flowers and cracks jokes to lighten the room even more.

It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from everyone's shoulders. Courtney was back. Jayden wasn't a suspect. And Link was behind bars for good. Everything seemed to have fallen in place.


This is not the end! I promise! There is more to come


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