Chapter 18

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Charlie awoke the next morning. She glanced around her room as her mind slowly awoke. She laid, staring at the ceiling for a little while, her mind replaying the night. She could feel herself smile.

After dinner, they walked around a park, just talking. Finn dropped her off late that night, asking for another date. Charlie had readily agreed.

Pulling herself from the comfort of her bed, she quickly changed from her night clothes and into jeans. She was beginning her job today and wanted an early start. There hadn't been a requirement for the dress code and Charlie felt her clients would be more at ease if she wasn't dressed in business attire.

Charlie walked from her room and towards the door. She noticed a bouquet of roses on the counter and smiled. Robert must've given them to Carol.

Charlie exited the house and into the warm air. She took a deep breath before she walked to her car. A note was on her windshield.

'Beautiful Day. Beautiful Lady.'

Charlie's eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she turned the note over, looking for a name. She looked around as she read the note again. "Odd." She thought.

She placed the note on the garbage before she climbed into her car. She pulled from the driveway and began the hour-long drive to her new job.


Charlie exited the building that evening with a smile on her face. She had been given an office and the files on her new clients. Most seemed to be involved with minor theft and use of drugs. Charlie felt excited at the prospect of helping someone.

The drive back to Stratford seemed to pass quickly and Charlie found herself pulling up to the house. She needed to find a place. She knew her aunt and uncle would never kick her out, but she felt as though she needed her own house. She had lived in her own apartment for years.

Just as she turned off the ignition, a car stopped outside the house. Charlie watched as Finn exited the car. "Hello," she greeted.

"Hey." He surprised her with a kiss to her lips. "How was your first day?"

"Good. I got all settled in for Monday," Charlie replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I not visit my girlfriend?" Finn asked, smirking.

"Of course you can. I guess I assumed you'd be busy tonight," Charlie said.

"Never too much for you," Finn replied, giving her another kiss. "I thought we could celebrate your first day at your new job."

"That sounds wonderful." Charlie replied.

"Come on then, I got stuff waiting for us back at my place." Finn tugged her towards his car and Charlie followed, laughing.

Charlie quickly sent a text to Aunt Carol before Finn pulled from the driveway. "Do you know of any places that are available?" Charlie asked.

"Are you thinking of moving?" Finn asked.

"Yes. I know Aunt Carol and Uncle Robert would love to have me stay with them, but I'm trying to settle back in and I just guess I need my own space," Charlie explained, trying to put into words her feelings.

Finn nodded, "I get it." Finn parked his car outside his place and Charlie unbuckled her seatbelt. They both headed inside, Finn turning on the lights as he went through the house.

They sat on the couch as Charlie told Finn more about her day. Finn commented and laughed at parts as he held her close.

"You know," Finn said once Charlie had finished. "You could move in with me."

"Really? Are you sure you want that?" Charlie asked. "I mean, what if we break up?"

"Do you think we will?" Finn asked.

"Well, I hope not, but life doesn't always go to plan," Charlie said, "and I wouldn't want to intrude on your personal space."

"You won't." Finn replied. Charlie raised her eyebrow, he seemed very insistent. Finn sighed slightly. "Charlie, I have been in love with you since high school. I had always wanted you. But then you dated Jayden. I knew he liked your sister and I knew he wouldn't tell you, so I told you. In my irrational mind, I thought you would be so thankful, you'd begin to date him after you dumped him." Finn chuckled. "I guess it didn't go that way."

Charlie's eyes were wide as he finished his explanation. "You love me?" She asked. Her voice was a little breathless and she had a hard time getting the words out. Finn smiled sheepishly. Suddenly, it made sense. At the time, she had thought he hated her and wanted her to suffer. In truth, he had wanted her for himself.

Before Finn could say anything else, Charlie launched herself at him. She kissed him deeply and fully.


Hey guys!!

Sorry for such a long wait for this update. I hadnt figured out the rest of the story and I had to have time to finish the plot. Now that its all figured out, I should be updating more. There will not be a set date on the updates! I will post them when i finish them!

Thank you to everyone whose reading my book! I love you all! If you have any feedback, i would love to hear it!


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