Chapter 3

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Oaklee Monroe POV

His voice is deep and commanding. It's like a voice that my father would use but not to scold but to explain things.

I like his voice.

"I'm going to take attendance now, so please say here when I call your name." He starts calling name after name. I again don't remember any of them.

"Oaklee Monroe." Oh he used my last name. 

"Here." I say as loud but quietly as possible. He looks over at me and nods before going back to calling peoples names. 

When he finishes, just like the english teacher, he starts explaining everything during the year and the different units. Then he hands out a sheet like the english teacher before letting us do our own thing. 

During our own time, I decide to watch him. I watch as he walks to a seat in the front on the other side of the room because in lecture halls they don't have teacher desks as they mostly stand. 

I watch him start working. I want to figure him out and thats what I spend most of the class doing then suddenly he takes out his phone and his once serious face is now lit up with a big smile. He starts texting someone and the whole time is smiling.

The class ends and I start packing up. I didn't sit next to the door this time so I'm the last student out.

"Ms Monroe."

Almost out

I turn around and face the teacher. He points to the door and I close it. He leans against the first row desks and stares at me. I stares back.

"So you're Oaklee Monroe?" He asks.

"So you're Carter Rivera?" I ask right back. He chuckles and shakes his head looking down. 

"How old are you?" He asks looking back at me.

"I'll answer if you answer too." I say as I cross my arms. "An eye for an eye." He looks at me with a raised eyebrow before looking amused. He crosses his arms and ankles before answering.

"Ok, I'm 27."


"You're young, are you smart?" I nod.

"Do you need something or can I go?" I ask.

"I wanted to meet you since you're the youngest in the school and I'm here to help you if you need." I fake smile.

"I think I'll be fine." I state before leaving the classroom without another word. Since it's my last class of the day, I can do whatever I want now. I think for a few minutes just walking through the campus park before deciding to study for the psychology course. I'll just study for the extra class I have on Saturday since that one will be the hardest.

I walk slowly to the library, enjoying the feeling of the wind in my hair and the cold air. I prefer the cold over the warm. Winter is my favorite season, autumn is my second favorite because in my opinion it's the most beautiful with all the leaves falling and all that.

I get to the library since this is an pretty good school the have a whole building just for the library. I go inside and immediately met with warm air. I walk through the library until I find a nice peaceful corner in the back, next to the medical section.

I put my bag down and find my book for that class. I start reading through the book as I take notes. 


I look up from my corner to see a man. This man is big. This man is wearing scrubs which shows his muscles. I push myself further into the wall hoping he doesn't see me. He looks a lot like my psychology professor. I look him over again and he has the same black hair and blue eyes. 

I look at his face and he has the same features too. Maybe their family or related or I didn't eat enough today and my brain is playing tricks on me. I think back to my phone and carefully put it in my bag under a sweatshirt to muffle the sounds of voices if he talks to me.

I watch as he scans the shelves, looking for a book. He lights up when he finds the one he is looking for. Unfortunately while pulling out the book, he drops one, right by my feet. I mentally curse and try to focus on the book in front of me.

He drops down to a crouch in front of me and tilts his head looking at me.


"Hi." My voice is no more than a whisper.

"What are you doing?" 

"Studying." I answer showing him my book.

"In the dark corner?" He asks looking at the space I have shoved my small body in.

"Yup." I say popping the p.

"Maybe you want to come out." 

Why does he think he knows what I want?

"I'm good Mr..." I try to get his name.

"Rivera, Elijah Rivera."

"That's what I thought." I mutter out loud. Opsie. 

"What?" I sigh not wanting to explain myself. He sit cross legged in front of me.

"I know your brother, that's all." I see him nod then look me over again.

"My brother teaches second year psychology. Aren't you a little young?" 

"I may be younger than you but you are definitely have a lower IQ than me." He looks taken aback by what I said. 


"Inflammation of heart valves." He nods before thinking again.


"Shortness of breath."

"Orthostatic Hypotension?"

"Getting dizzy from standing up to fast. My turn Mr Rivera." I say. I grab the book from his hands and close it, putting it to the side.

"Pyrexia?" He rolls his eyes.

"Fever. Give me a harder one."

"Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia?" 

"A brain freeze." 


"Crying." I nod and think of one more.

"Last one, Pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?"

"Lung disease." He states.

"From what?" He looks at me. Then starts thinking super hard. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I realize the time and get up.

"I have to go, Mr Rivera but this was fun." I pack my things up and give him back the book. I see him open his mouth to speak but I leave before he can say anything. 

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