Chapter 4

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Elijah Rivera POV

I watch her practically run away from me and out of the library. I frown and look down at the book in my hand. I stand and grab my things. I check out the book and head to my car. Just as I enter the car my brother calls.

"Hey." I greet him.

"Hey, Where are you?" 

"I'm in the car, I just left the library. Why?" 

I put my bag on the passenger seat and buckle up. I start the car and start driving towards our house. We live together with out best friend, Ares. Even though I'm a year younger than him somehow we all became friends.

"Nothing, I made dinner and you were taking a bit long for one book." 

"Ran into a student, that's all." 

"Oh, ok. Well we can talk over dinner. Ares is joining us." I frown at his choice of words.

"Doesn't he always."

"Yeah, but he said he wasn't going to today but now somehow he is free." 

"Oh, ok." 

"Well, safe drive home. I'll be waiting."

"Bye bro." I hang up and focus on the road.

I make it to our house in no time since we live pretty close to the university. Our house is a nice small two story house. It has 3 bedrooms upstairs, two of the bedrooms have a connecting bathroom while the master-bedroom has it's on bathroom. 

The ground floor as a connecting living, kitchen and dinning room which is nice and then the basement is a sorta game room slash storage. I park my car and make my way to the front door with my bag.

I go inside, taking off my shoes as I walk inside. It smells like pasta. I smile. It's my favorite. I walk to the dinning room and set my bag against the wall. I look over into the kitchen to see my brother Carter cooking. I walk over to him and grab some plates to set the table.

I finish setting the table when Ares walks in. 

"Hey, Elijah, Carter." He nods at both of us as he takes a seat at the table.

"Hi, Ares. How was your day?" I ask since he came to the campus instead of working at the clinic.

"Good, I meet up with some friends and find my office. Everything is looking great for the next few weeks. How was your day." Carter sits down and we start getting food and eating it.

"It was good. Had my IQ tested today by a student." I laugh thinking about the memory.

"Really, how'd that go?" Carter asks.

"I lost, she was smarter than me. She is tiny. She has brown hair and brown eyes and she looks young but apparently she has Carter's psychology class." I say as I look at Carter.

"I think you might have met...Oaklee Monroe. Let me look at the yearbook photos to find hers." He looks through his phone for a couple minutes before turning it around to me. I look at the photo and nod.

"Yup, she outsmarted me." 

"With what?" 

"Well, I had picked up a medical book since you have been teaching me and I started asking her some of the things I learned and then she asked me some, she got to her last word which was Pneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, I said lung disease and she asked how you get it and I didn't know but I'm a dentist, how am I supposed to know?" Ares laughs.

"That's a good one, its a lung disease from inhaling very fine ash. I have to meet her."

"Well you will, when you have the physical's at school for the students." I point out and he nods.

"She seems very smart and she also knows a lot about psychology. I think she will do very well in my class." He said with a smile. We all nodded at his comment.

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