Chapter 17

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Oaklee Monroe POV

I wake to the sound of someone shuffling things around. I open my eyes and see darkness. I move my head and notice I'm laying on Dr Rivera still with his arms wrapped around me. On my right side, Rivera's left side, is Dr Cruz moving something around. 

I watch as he turns back around and takes down an empty bag of saline and hangs a full one. I look at my IV to notice he disconnected the empty one. He takes the end of the full one and moves towards me. 

I move my hand under my chest so he can't reach it and he looks at me, now noticing I'm awake.

"Good morning, Oaklee." He says whispering, I look up to see Dr Rivera still sleeping. "Can I have your hand so I can give you more fluids?" 

"What is in there?" I ask looking at the bag. 

"Just fluids or saline." He replies showing me the bag label. I touch the bag and feel it. I make sure there is no other label under the saline label and then nod. I slowly with a shaking hand, put my hand out for him. 

"Thank you, sweetie." He replies as he takes my hand and attaches the saline. He lets go and I bring my hand right back to my chest. He fixes the clamp to regulate the drip before coming back to me. 

He takes his stethoscope off his neck and checks my lungs but has to use my wrist for my pulse since I refused to move. He looks at the finger thingy checking my oxygen levels before nodding. He checks my temperature and writes all this down on a chart.

"What's the time?" I ask.

"It's around 6am." He says looking at his watch. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Wednesday." He nods before coming over to me and placing a blanket over me and Dr Rivera.

"Sleep, it's still early. I'll be back later to check on you and possibly discharge you."

"Bye, Dr Cruz." I whisper out as I watch him leave. He frowns again before leaving.

I rest my head on Dr Rivera's shoulder as I play with the rings on his fingers. Almost every 5 minutes I'm looking at the door and the clock. I look down at my IV and then the bag of fluids. I frown and then decide to make it my mission to get this IV out.

I start with the clip which is way harder than it looks, first I have to make sure I don't wake up Dr Rivera and make sure no one comes in. Then I also had to figure out how to get this clip off with one hand.

As I was pulling off the clip, I accidentally elbowed Dr Rivera in the chest. I quickly moved into the position I was in when I was sleeping and calmed my racing heart as I waited to see what happened.

He shifted and moved us to the side so we were both laying on our sides. Then he put his arms around me and squeezed me closer to his chest. I tried to push away but it was no use. I put my arms on his chest and my head bent down to look at my hands.

I slowly unwrapped the bandage around my IV. My hand was itchy anyway and the IV was not helping, I felt my head and I didn't have a fever anymore so I should be fine. I stuffed the bandage in my pocket and looked at it. I took off the tape before taking a few deep breaths.

I slowly slipped the IV out and breathed a sigh of relief as I itched my hand being careful of the small hole. I put some pressure on it and looked around. I slowly slipped out of Dr Rivera's arms and looked around again.

I found another IV kit and took it. I prepped everything and took Dr Rivera's hand. I wanted to be a doctor and this was good practice, it was also good if anyone came in to check the saline bag. I wiped his hand and took the appropriate  position. I prayed to the gods he didn't wake. 

I find the vein and looked at the door again. I took a guess and slowly stuck him with the needle. He shifted but nothing else. I made sure to turn off the drip before connecting it. I didn't want him to get sick. I taped the IV and wrapped it like mine.

I put a pillow and put his IV hand to his chest. I covered him and the pillow with a blanket and making sure it looked like me before cleaning everything up and washing my hands. I sneaked out and grabbed my bag finding my aunt and uncle waiting outside.

"Get in the car." I got in the car and we drove home. I felt kinda bad for leaving him but as least I know how to do an IV.

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