Chapter 19

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Oaklee Monroe POV

I spent Wednesday at home recovering. My aunt and uncle were home the whole time but left me alone. 

I didn't eat much since I didn't want to risk going downstairs and asking for food when I just came from the hospital and I had to go to school the next day.

It's now Thursday and I don't really want to go to class but I have to, it's only my second week of school and for some reason english sucks. I pack my bag and groan when I realize I didn't do any of my homework.

I feel my head and notice I don't have a fever which is good but I do have a slight cough and my throat hurts. I take a cough drop and drink lots of water.

I head to school and then to class. I spend english not listening to a word the teacher said and not really caring about anything. I hand in my my unfinished homework at the end and she just looks disappointed, she hands me new homework and then I leave.

I head to the library because it's quiet and I don't want to be at home right now. I go through the shelves and find the romance section. I find my favorite book and sit down against the book shelf to start reading.

Since most people come here to study not many people walk through the romance section. I read through half my book when footsteps draw me out of my fantasy world. I look up to see my professor. 

"Good Afternoon, Mr Rivera." I say as he sits down next to me. I scoot a little bit away from him to have some space.

"Good Afternoon, Oaklee. How are you doing?" I closed my book and he glanced at the cover.

"I'm doing quite alright, what about you?" He sighed before answering.

"I'm fine."

"I think you and I both know that's not true." I whisper.

"Well, I'm a little stressed." 

"Why are you stressed?" I ask.

"That's not something I would like to share." I nod my head.

"I understand, how can I make you feel better?" I ask. I cough and groan before going through my bag and finding another cough drop. I take it so that I don't cough. 

"Why don't you come with me and I'll show you." I narrow my eyes at him as I lean into my elbow to cough again.

"Come where?" I ask him. He stands and puts his hand out to me.

"It's a surprise." I take his hand and let him pull me up.

"Does this surprise involve your roommates?" I ask as I follow him out of the library

"Possibly." He says with a smile. I cough and quickly check my pockets for my phone and thankfully I remember it's being fixed since my aunt broke it.

"It doesn't seem like I have any other choice." I say with a groan as I follow him through the main building.

"Nope, but don't worry, I'm the fun one." He says leading me towards the nurses office. I sigh and cough again.

"Right because the fun one assigns 50 pages to read for homework along with around 100 multiple choice questions." I muttered as he pushed me through the nurses office. I tried to fight against him but it was no use. 

Dr Cruz was at a desk flipping through papers but looked up when the door opened. He looks shocked to see me here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I crossed my arms and turned around looking at Mr Rivera.

"Yes, what am I doing here?" I raise an eyebrow and he grabs me and my bag leading me over to an empty bed.

"You had a fever yesterday and you have a cough today, also apparently someone left the hospital before they were supposed to." He says looking at me as Dr Cruz walks over and sits on the rolling chair. 

"It's like a hotel, I left a note at the front desk of course my room had no keys so I didn't leave anything else." I shrugged and coughed again into my elbow. Ares looks at me.

"But it's not a hotel and you can't leave until the doctor tells you to." He sits down next to me and Ares rolls in front of me.

"Yes, I can. I can leave against medical advice."

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