Chapter 6

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Oaklee Monroe POV

I wake up in pain and without painkillers. I change my bandages and try to stop the bleeding but it seems it will never stop. I put on a big hoodie and cargo pants, with some random sneakers. I pack my bag and walk to school.

I get to school with 5 minutes to spare before my psychology class. It's a 2 hour class but thankfully that't the only class I have today. 

I walk into class and find a seat in the front since no one is sitting there. I sit a good distance from the teacher but still sitting close enough to the door to run if I need to. I bring out my book, notebook and pencil. 

Mr Rivera walks in a minute before the class starts and smiles at me. I smile back and watch as he starts writing on the blackboard about todays lesson. 

"Today we are starting at the bottom with child psychology course. If anyone has had any child trauma or is sensitive to the subjects we will be talking about, just tell me and you can go for a walk, drink some water and we can talk later."

I start writing down everything on the board along with things he says but then he starts just talking and talking and talking and I can't take it anymore. I lay my head down as my pencil slows and my eyes drop closed.

Carter Rivera POV  

I woke up this morning very happy. I got dressed had breakfast and walked into my psychology class before realizing it was because I wanted to see Oaklee. For some reason she intrigues me and I want to know more about her. 

I started my class as usual but I could help my eyes wandering over to her every few minutes. I smiled and talked all about child psychology, it was actually my favorite. 

I watched as Oaklee started getting tired and I realized I may have been talking a little to much but when you have passion for something it's hard to not talk about it. She'll understand one day. I slow down my talking as her head drops to the desk and he pencil stops moving. I look at clock and everyone is half asleep. 

"Ok, since we only have 20 minutes left, we're going to finish it off with some quiet time. I'll wake everyone up when class is over." I say chuckling as people start going over their notes or sleeping.

I look around and take the spot next to Oaklee, it happens to be the only open one and my legs hurt. I grab my phone and start texting with Ares since my brother is busy with the clinic.

Carter: Hey, you busy?

Ares: Nope, what's up?

Carter: letting my students chill for the last 20 minutes and I'm sitting next to Oaklee

Ares: Nice, when do I get to meet her though? I want her to outsmart me.

I chuckle and look over at Oaklee before freezing at the sight of something red. I move closer to her. The collar at the back of her sweater is a darker shade then her fun yellow sweater. I slowly move the sweater a bit and try to look down her neck to see her back.

When I do, I almost scream out but I keep my cool. She's bleeding. She is bleeding from her back. A lot of blood. That can't be good.

Ares: Carter?

Ares: Carter, what happened man?

Ares: Why aren't you answering?

Carter: Bleeding from your back is bad right?

Ares: Yes...why?

Carter: Oaklee is bleeding or I think she is bleeding

Ares: Why don't you bring her to my office after class?

Carter: But don't you think she wanted help she would have gone already, like why would she sit through my class bleeding?

Ares: I dunno, I'll come instead. You can catch her if she tries to run.

Carter: We can't kidnap her, she's a minor.

Ares: We aren't kidnapping, we are helping by holding her down and burrowing her for a night.

Carter: wow Ares, real mature

Ares: Whatever I'm coming now.

I look over at the clock and saw we have around 5 minutes. I didn't want to wake Oaklee but I wanted everyone else out of the class so I slowly started going around the class waking up students and letting them leave early. Soon only Oaklee was left in the class still asleep.

I didn't want her to wake up with two guys staring at her so I went over to her and softly tried to wake her up.

"Is class over?"

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