Chapter 32

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I'm irritated and want to slam my head against the wall. This is painful... I find it too painful...

I was sobbing while laying on my bed in my room. Why does everyone and everything despise me? Even though I'm reborn, this is doing absolutely nothing to help. It's just like my previous life... Getting exhausted every day, eating bland food, having no one to talk to, and being alone

But this is worse...

I was really exhausted. My gaze kept straying. My body felt cold and heavy. My hand that was wiping my tears are so cold that I felt like my tears is freezing too.

Do it

Ugh.... Why is it so cold out? I didn't like how cold my palm felt. I attempted to stifle my tears, but when I looked at my palm, they were clear as ice and hard like stone. Wha...

Activate it!

I experienced extreme shock and confusion, which made me fearful. What's that? I shakily wipe my tears with my palm while looking at the smudged tears on my hand, which are slowly freezing.

My breathing also got shaky, yet I could see a cold fog emerging from my mouth. When I touch my face, my hand quivers. My skin had a dead body sensation.

Gosh its so cold.... It feels as though I am naked and in the middle of a snowy wilderness. I might develop a fever... I breathe quickly while holding onto my bed sheet. My eyes started to sting like they were dry, so I closed them in anguish. Shit....

I hate i hate i hate i hate i.... HATE IT!

All of sudden, i heard a sharp sound around me. My bed, the bed sheet felt cold too. Dang it...


I was strolling down the hallway while munching on an apple I had plucked from the nearby wild trees. Nothing very fascinating is occurring today, hmm. I should probably meet my lovely Martina!

I happily walked toward her classroom when then I caught a glance of her running on the other hallway. Hm no running in the hall, well I need to punish her when I catch her~

I grinned and moved my feet to catch up to her when Shikari and Asuka bumped into me.

"Ey! Watch your step!" I said and look back at her.

"Huh!? You are the one bump into us, you flirty fox!" She said as i felt mocked by her word.

I stopped and look at her in anger.

"Oh? You wanna get in principle office?!" I threatening her.

And again, we argue. Asuka just standing beside us in silent and speechless.

"S-STOP ARGUING GAYS!" She screamed which make us jumped.

She looked at us with a pout. Well honestly its cute... She then walked to us and start scolding us.

"Why you guys kept arguing over small thing!? Its very childish you know!? You thought lady Martina will like it seeing you guys arguing?!" She said with an angry face.

We looked down in embarrassement. Well it is my fault at first...

"Now you two! Apologize!" She spoke.

We exchanged uneasy glances. We continue to be silent for a little while. Asuka sighed and clasped our hands together so that they were shaking.

I exhale and turn my head away while blushing slightly.

"I-I'm sorry for bumped into you earlier.." i stammered.

"M-me too for insulting you.." she said and looked down with a blush.

Asuka had a proud face as she nodded. Then something snapped in my brain.

"SHIT MARTINA!" I yelled in panicked face.

They both look at me with tilted head.

"Did you guys see where Martina go?!" I spoke quickly.

In denial, they shook their heads. I sighed in dissatisfaction. I shouldn't pickup a fight with Shikari, now I let Martina go! Then I caught a glimpse of Nanami and Takashi.

"Oi you two!" I said and point at them.

The two look at us in confusion. Me and other then walked to them.

"Have you guys see Martina?" I said in suspicion.

Nanami flinched when she heard me said that. She leaned on Takashi shoulder and locked her arm with his arm. I raised my eyebrow.

"Sorry, i don't.." Takashi said with disgusted expression as he then pat Nanami back.

My eyelid twitching in anger. What is this engaged man doing with other lady? That is suspicious...

"What? Didn't you talked with Lady Martina earlier?!" Shikari said in shock.

Takashi avoid our eyes contact and looked at Nanami.

"Its her fault anyway.." he mumble loud enough for us to hear.

As I gritted my teeth and prepared to grasp this as*hole's head, Shikari smacked her sibling in the gut. He held his stomach and groaned in agony. In fear, Nanami is holding Takashi.

Shikari then pulled her brother up by his clothes collar and glared at him angrily.

"What do you mean.." she said in anger. Her brother scoffed and smirk.

"She beated up an innocent lady, why would i take her side." He said with a blank face.

"Lady Martina never did that! And she's probably lying!"

"I never lied! Look at my bandaged face and arm!" That attention seeker said and point at her face.

Shikari chuckles and shifts her focus. She rips off the bandage off her face, revealing smooth, unblemished flesh. Makeup huh? Pretty clever

Shikari laughed and threw the bandage away. She flings it in Takashi's direction and stands up. She then grabbed our arm and fled, leaving the two of us.

"We should search Lady Martina fast!" She said as she dragged us.

We nodded and followed her with apprehension. When we get reach the dorm hallway, we notice a group of students gathered in front of the door to Lady Martina. Then, we attempted to observe what was happening, but it was too crowded.

As the vice president, I managed to sneak my body through them, and they eventually allowed me to enter. I also assisted Shikari and Asuka in overcoming them.

We looked at the door and flinched. The door...

"W-why is it covered in ice!?" Asuka exclaimed with fear.

Shikari tries to open the door in a hurry, but the door knob is cold and stuck. We could make use of someone with fire magic, but it would be risky in such a crowded area. I sighed and slammed the door with my body.

I keep doing it as the door's covering ice begins to crumble. The following bump finally caused the door to open wide when I applied strong pressure to it.

Our eyes widened in astonishment as we peered inside. Ice has engulfed the entire space. In disbelief, the students who were gathered in front of the entrance gasped and whispered.

No the problem is now, where is Martina?!

My inspection of the space revealed that the window is open. I gently made my way to the window on the icy floor and peered out the window. I notice an ice path in the grass when I look down. It heading toward the woods.

What happen, my dear Martina...

I think i had to put password on my phone :P my girlfriend is not respecting my privacy and thankfully she didn't see the wattpad app, i don't want her to read my books 😭

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