Chapter 12

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Carmen had been right, news did spread like wild fire, and political viewpoints differed depending on the whereabouts of civilians. Those in Sina all opposed keeping Eren Yeager, the titan, alive. However, people who had to evacuate their homes, all wanted him on their side, finding new hope in the strangest places. But at least things weren't violent, not yet.

"I have news from Captain Levi." Eld alerted the squad, who were idly sitting down and waiting for orders. "Eren Yeager has successfully been granted permission to join the special operations squad, starting immediately. Pack your things and get ready to move to a new location. Once packed, we'll regroup and transfer the titan to our new base. See to my horse." Eld read from the letter.

"That's bullshit! It took us months to get into Levi squad, and he does it in a few hours!" Oruo called out. "No good green horn."

"Yeah, took us a whole damn year." Gunther agreed. "I get he's a titan, but maybe he should join a lower ranked squad for newbies."

"That's not the case." Carmen interjected. "Think about it, he's a fucking titan. Therefore, if he transforms and tries to kill us, we'll be the most capable of taking him down."

"When you put it like that, it's a lot of pressure." Petra swirled her hair with her fingers, clearly nervous.

"Not really, we're trained for this." The assassin countered, easing the minds of her comrades. "Best get packed, I'm sure you're all eager to meet the kid."


"An architectural marvel, don't you agree?" Oruo asked Eren, he'd been questioning and annoying him ever since the two met. Potentially because he was the youngest in the squad and needed to direct his anger somewhere. Plus, it helped reinforce his intellectual image that he was exactly like Captain Levi. "A proper royal residence once upon a time, and more recently, our headquarters. Fancy, yes, but absurdly unpractical once the scouts got into business. Much too far removed from either river or wall. This was the early days for us, you understand, hope soured high. Now, this opulent bobble is little more than a holding cell, the place where we store our newest toy." Oruo taunted, but Eren didn't find him as interesting as he thought, instead, the boy's eyes trailed to each of his guards. Specifically Captain Levi.

"Do not be deceived, green horn." Oruo got close to him.

"Excuse me?" Eren asked.

"Don't be expecting the royal treatment. Whether you're titan or human, don't imagine for a second we all share the good captains enthusiasm- augh!" Suddenly, the blonde scout bit his tongue and screamed in pain.

"You brought that upon yourself." Carmen said to him when the others trailed further ahead.

"It matters not, the impression I left was sure to differentiate my social status in the group." Oruo smiled.

"I'm sure it did. Instead of seeing you as a capable soldier, we now think you're a clumsy liability. Job well done." Carmen returned, though her jokes were still stiff. "A joke." Even if it sounded like a complete insult.

"It's what you get for flapping your jowls on horseback." Petra added to his humiliation.

"The rookie needed to know his place." Oruo replied. "I was just explaining that first impressions are important."

"Well, you certainly made an impression on him. No question there."

"Indeed so, our exchange went exactly as planned."

"What um, what happened to you, you never used to talk like this?" The strawberry blonde questioned, but Carmen already had her theories.

"He's trying to sound like Captain Levi, however, your terminology is far too complex. And you talk too much for your own good." The assassin summed up.

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