Chapter 36

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Carmen wanted to leave her victims, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was mentally exhausted from her fight, it all could have been avoided if they had only listened to her. But, they didn't, and now they lay splattered across the floor in pieces.

The woman's light blonde hair had been drenched in thick blood, and her clothes soaked. She wore their blood like medals, only she couldn't take them off no matter how hard she tried. She scrubbed her hands against her shirt, only for them to squelch against the surface. It was impossible to rid herself of her crime - maybe it was deserved.

Hearing the zipping of wires, Carmen looked upwards and out of the warehouse window. She hoped it wasn't their enemy, or worse more dolls. However, relief overcame her when she saw Levi peak through the broken window. His eyes didn't move from her bloody figure, ignoring the countless bodies that were dismembered around her - he solely focused on her.

None of them said a word until the other members of the squad caught up, Jean was first by Levi's side, laying eyes of the bloody warehouse. "No! Don't look!" Carmen ordered the boy, who promptly turned away. But it was too late, he'd already seen enough to plant nightmares into his head.

"Everyone, go regroup with Sasha and Connie." Carmen heard Levi order, followed by a few mumbles. Within seconds, she knew the squad had left, she was glad.

Levi used his gear to carefully glide through the broken window and into the warehouse, careful not to step on any of the corpses. He was disgusted, yet impressed with his ally. While he knew that what she had done was beyond barbaric, she had single handedly controlled the threat of the dolls, and had done so valiantly.

"Are you okay?" He asked her. It was a loaded question, looking at her practically answered it.

"It's not my blood." Carmen got to her feet, fighting the urge to wipe her hands. "I got cut at some point, but I can't see where." She told him, it was impossible to see past all the blood, let alone tell if any of it was hers.

"Your face is messed up." He replied, pointing at his own cheek to where it was on her face. Carmen shook her head.

"No, that's a gunshot graze." She replied. "I got cut, with a dagger." Levi hummed, if there were guns involved in the fight, then it was a miracle she was still alive - however, a part of him believed her skill played a major role in her survival.

"I'm proud of you." He said quietly, Carmen wasn't entirely sure she heard him correctly. Was he stupid? She'd just killed 20 people and he was proud?

"What?" She questioned, eyes wide.

"If those assassins had gotten to the squad, they would have been dead. Mikasa told me what you did, you got everyone out of the building and made sure every one of those fuckers were with you. You saved us, and I'm sorry that my side of the mission failed after you went through all the trouble." He was both apologising and thanking her, now Carmen was sure that he'd gone crazy.

"I gave them a chance." Carmen finally responded, ignoring Levi's statement completely and focusing on what she had done. "I told them to leave or die, they chose their fate." She added, trying to justify the death.

Levi nodded his head in understanding. "I know, you offered them a way out, it's not your fault they didn't take it."

That was something Carmen needed to hear, she hadn't killed anyone in a while, last murder she remembered wasn't nearly as guilt striking. She figured it was because she could relate to her victims, and actually felt sorry for them. Something she wasn't used to.

"You ready to meet the others?" The captain asked her. "You brought spare clothes, you can get changed and we can try to find that cut you mentioned." Carmen nodded wearily as she and Levi walked out of the warehouse doors, moving through alleyways to reach the other warehouse.

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