Chapter 15

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Carmen and Levi didn't speak after their deal was seen to, instead, she spent all her time with the squad and Levi spent most of his time arranging experiments with Hange. Which was what led the whole of Levi squad to be outside, surrounding a well and waiting for a titan to magically appear. None seemed too impressed when they looked down and saw Eren covered in his own blood, shaking his head nervously.

"All of that big talk about you and you don't even know how to turn titan?" Oruo complained.

"Yeah, I was expecting more." Gunther agreed.

"Maybe he's just nervous?" Petra suggested.

"Enough." Levi ordered and swooped into the well to free Eren. "Hange, relay the news of the experiment and meet back here to try again. Meanwhile, we still have a an hour or so. Maybe we can try again later."

"It would be my pleasure Levi, don't have too much fun without me!" Hange exclaimed and gathered their notes to take to Erwin.

While the group waited, Levi brought Eren back up from the well and Petra bandaged his bitten hands. Once they were settled, Gunther brewed everyone some tea. It had been a long day, even if they weren't on an expedition, it didn't make their situation any less stressful.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Oruo wondered as he gazed in the direction of Petra and Levi.

"Who knows. She told me I wasn't allowed to third wheel her conversation again." Carmen replied. "Actually, it was more like an order."

"Fear not, her theatrics won't fool me, I know her eyes are still on the prize." He pointed to himself.

"Yeah, sure." Carmen scoffed.

"Come on, don't lose heart kid, you'll get it." Eld said to Eren, who looked completely discouraged and filled with self doubt.

"Well, that's one hell of a way to find out you're more human than expected." Gunther joked.

"Put it this way, it's a lot better to find out now than in the field. Back to the drawing board, huh?" The second in command continued.

"No such thing as being too careful with so many people depending on you."

Carmen noted their response. Everyone was calm, happy even, maybe it was because they knew that they were no longer in danger. Which Carmen could understand, because she didn't want her friends to be in danger either, only she kelt her opinion to herself.

Just then, Eren dropped his spoon and leant over the table to pick it up, but was stopped when lightening struck, followed by a wave of steam and wind. Reacting quickly, Carmen dived out of the way and slid across the grass, grabbing her weapons along the way. He'd attacked them when their guard was lowest, it was pathetic, she wouldn't allow that mistake to be made again.

Carmen didn't even give anyone a warning before marching towards the titan body. However, Levi was well aware of how deadly she could be if her friends were at risk, he needed to protect Eren, it was a clear mistake. Unfortunately, the assassin didn't have time to be reasonable or understanding, she had to act to keep her squad safe, as far as she was concerned, Eren was a threat. He'd attacked them, right?

"Carmen." The captain attempted to stop her, but she wasn't listening. "Wait." He quickly grabbed her arm, only to be shoved aside and given a glare that could terrify even titans. "It was an accident, leave it alone before somebody actually gets hurt."

"An accident?" She shot back, venom laced in her tone. "That's quite convenient, considering everyone's guards were at their lowest. He convinced us he couldn't turn, then did it when we least expected it. That doesn't sound like an accident to me."

"Drop your weapons." He ignored her response and instead focused on the rest of the group. Carmen could ignore him too, so once again she pushed past him, only for her wrist to be grabbed and twisted. Lucky for her, she couldn't feel the pain he was attempting to induce and continued to maintain a grip on her sword.

"Let go." She demanded.

"I won't repeat myself again, drop your weapons." He ordered.

"I said, let go!" She sharply pulled Levi towards her and drive her knee towards his underarm, causing Levi to lose his grip. She didn't waste any more time before switching to ODM gear and zooming towards the titan body. But just as she was about to make the final slice, she made a grave mistake. She made eye contact with her prey. In those eyes, she saw pure fear and panic.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." Eren pleaded after her hesitation.

That's when Carmen realised, Levi was right. But she didn't have time to comprehend the situation any further before Levi crashed into her using his gear. Taking her to the ground and holding her in place.

"Dammit. You could've killed humanities hope, how stupid can you get!?" He scolded her, holding his blade to her neck, just in case she tried to escape again. It was all in vain because she knew many ways to get out of it, but she didn't need to do that.

"Sorry." She apologised. Everyone knew she didn't do that often. "You were right, it was a mistake. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going back to headquarters." She stated, even though she was still under the blade, Levi didn't know where she found the confidence. No normal person would be so unfazed by having a knife to their throat. Was she used to it?

"Tch, get up." He demanded and began walking away. "I hope you know that there will be consequences for directly disobeying orders. Now you have something to look forward to when the rest of us get back."

"Can't wait." Carmen scoffed.

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