Part 2

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~~Amira's POV~~

As I get into the back of Luca's car I pull out my book and begin reading. I always sit at the back because we always pick up Leo on our way to school.

I'm about 5 minutes into my reading and I already have to put it down. Luca and Leo are being extremely loud.

I would usually tell them to shut up but I'm not in the mood this morning, plus their conversation is kind of interesting.
We finally make it into the school's parking lot and I begin to get out of the car. I follow behind Luca and Leo as we walk into the school

"HEY MAN READY FOR TONIGHT?" I hear many greetings around me as I walk in with Luca. I usually see Andela by now but for some reason I don't today.

I can't walk behind Luca any longer or else I might die. I hate being around all the popular athletes.

As I say goodbye to Luca and walk the other direction, I feel gazes on me but I choose to ignore them.

I go to my locker and to my surprise Andela and Zina are already there.

"HEY BEST FRIEND!" Adela says as I walk up to my locker.

"HEYY!!" I say back while putting in my locker combination.

I've known Zina and Andela since elementary school. I can't live without them. We tell eachother everything.

"Amira I swear every guy at this school has a crush on u." I hear Zina say beside me.

I laugh. "Yea sure."

"I'm not joking, Every time u walk into school someone has their eye on u." She says staring over to the crowd of football guys.

"Plus your hot." Andela adds

"Doesn't mean they have a crush on me." I let out a soft laugh. "It's probably because I walk in with my brother." I close my locker before looking down the hall.

I used to think the same thing, but then I began to realize it's because of my brothers.

My older brother Noah is a role model to most of the seniors here. He was the quarterback of the Greenwood football team before he graduated. Most of them know Luca as "Noah's brother" but that doesn't seem to bother him.

But it bothers me when I'm known for being the little sister to the two great football players at Greenwood. It just gets annoying sometimes, it feels like I can't be my own person.

"Let's get to class," I feel Andelas arm wrap around mine.

"Bye Zina! See you later!" We both say goodbye to zina before heading to first period.

Andela and I both walk upstairs; We both have biology together first.

As we walk into class we take our seats near the back. I take out my pencil and binder from my backpack.

"Are you going to the game tonight?" Andela asks beside me.

"Yea, I kind of don't have a choice." Andela laughs. Don't get me wrong, I do love going to my brothers games but sometimes all I want to do is stay home and read.

As I'm getting comfortable in my seat Blake Bennet and Emiliano Lopez walks into class. They sit right in-front of Andela and I.

They never sit this close.

I catch myself staring so I quickly look away before anyone notices.

I've always wondered why every girl is SO into him. Yea he's good looking, but so are his friends..What makes him so special?

I feel a poke on my arm so I turn around and see Andela giving me a look that says 'what's going on?'

I give her an 'idk' face back.

I don't really care anyways. As long as they don't disturb me I couldn't care less where they sit.

We're about 30 minutes into the class when I hear someone in-front of me turn around.

I look up and see the face of Emiliano.

"Can I burrow a pencil?"

"Of course" I say reaching into my pencil case.

I don't really mind giving away my pencils. I like to help people whenever I can.

"Here." I hand him a pencil

"Thanks I'll make sure to give it back" he says

Before he can turn around I say "Oh, don't worry about it." There's no point in giving it back if you're still going to need it later.

As he turns around I hear Kara's annoying voice from across the classroom.

"Yes of course you can have my pencil Emiliano! You should also marry me!!" Everyone begins to laugh.

I absolutely hate Kara and her friends. They're always finding something or someone to pick on.

"Oh please, shut up and do your work" I hear Andela say beside me.

We've had many problems with Kara before but she never seems to get passed them. She's still mad about the day I got her out in dodgeball in 8th grade....

Kara rolls her eyes before the teacher starts talking again.


It's the end of the day and I'm so ready to go home. Today has been exhausting.

"Hey sis how was ur day" Luca says wrapping his arms around me as we walk to the car.

"Boring. What about you?"


I laugh before getting into the car.

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