Part 29

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We've been swimming for a couple hours. It's been really fun.

I get hungry so I get out of the pool and walk into the house to heat up an extra slice of pizza. I hear footsteps and turn around to see Andela.

She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I role my eyes and laugh. "What?"

"Mr Bennet had his eyes on you the whole time. I don't think he ever looked away." She walks past me and grabs some drinks from the refrigerator.

"He was?" I ask. I didn't even notice. Am I that blind?

Andela laughs, "you're having fun and Blake seems to enjoy seeing you smile. I can tell."

I blush when she says that. I look outside and see that the sun is setting. "We should start watching a movie."

Andela nods "I agree. I call dibs beside Esad." She winks at me and I laugh.

"Of course you do." We both walk outside and I sit on the comfortable lounge chairs near the projector and turn it on.

"We should watch a movie now that the sun is setting." I say watching them get out of the pool.

"We should go change then." Zina says walking inside the house. I whine getting up. I just got comfortable.

I turn back to face the guys before walking upstairs to my room. "There's a washroom down the hall if you guys need it by the way."

I smile and walk upstairs. I quickly fix my hair and make sure it's not gross with pool water. I then run to my closet and get a fresh pair of comfortable shorts and tank top to change into. I also let the girls pick anything from my closet to wear.

After changing we walk downstairs with a couple blankets. Blake, Emiliano and Esad are all dressed and sitting down on the chairs with a bunch of candy and popcorn. I smile and take a seat beside Blake.

"You brought candy." I smile up at him grabbing the closest bag to me.

"You asked for it." He smiles back at me. I grab a blanket and wrap it around our legs. Esad and Andela are already cuddling and Zina and Emiliano are sitting as far away from each other as they could possibly get.

I laugh looking at them. "What are you laughing at?" Emiliano scowls at me. "Don't speak to her like that." Blake says before I can speak.

"I was joking take a chill pill." Blake responds by flipping Emiliano off.

I role my eyes and begin looking for a movie. We all eventually agree on watching Spider-Man.

About 30 minutes into the movie I begin getting cold. Blake notices and moves my body so I'm laying against his chest. He wraps his arms around me and pulls the blanket up closer. "Thank you" I smile up at him.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and smiles back. I cant help it but get butterflies every time I look into Blake's eyes. He just kissed my forehead. What has life become.

I don't remember anything else because I think I feel asleep. I lift my head up and the movie is over. I look around to see everyone sleeping. Even Zina and Emiliano ended up cuddling. I cant help it they're so cute!

I grab my phone and take a picture. Cant wait to torment Zina tomorrow.

I lay my head back on Blake's chest slowly so he doesn't wake up. But I cant seem to fall asleep. I check the time and it's 1 in the morning.

I get up and wrap the blanket around blake so he doesn't get cold while I'm gone. I walk inside the house and find Noah sitting at the table drinking tea.

"What are you doing up?" He asks me. "I could as you the same thing."

I walk up to him and sit in the chair across from him. "How was your date night?"

He sighs. "Good." I look at him in confusion. "That doesn't sound good. What happened?"

"Nothing Amira it's fine go back to bed." But I don't. I sit there and stare at him until he speaks.

He rubs his face with his hand. "Lilah doesn't know if she can make it to my game in a couple weeks. I know it's not a big deal but it's my last game of the season and I want her to be there."

I stare for a second. I cant let my brother go by himself without any family to support him. "I'll go."

He shakes his head. "No. You're not coming with me. I wont let you." 

"Why not!?" I talk a bit louder than I should.

"Because Amira. Things are finally getting somewhat normal for you and I don't want to drag you miles away and ruin it." He looks down at his tea.

"You won't.. it's only for a week. I can come back and hang out with my friends then. It's not a big deal Noah." He shakes his head again.

"What? There's something else isn't there? What are you not telling me?" I sit there for a minute waiting for him to respond.

"Mom... mom has a boyfriend."

I- I can't even think straight i let out a laugh. "You're joking"

"Amira... she's not out working like she tells you she is..." I stare at him again, but this time with urgency wanting to know more.

"What do you mean?"

"She- I didn't want to tell you this Amira and especially not today-"

"Tell me!" I cut him off. He can't keep secrets from me. We're family.

"The past couple of months she's been out of the city doing random things like partying and playing around with guys.. and my game is in the same city she's in right now and she wants me to meet her new boyfriend." He sighs and looks up at me.

"This isn't the first boyfriend I've met. And i know it's not going to be the last. I don't want you to be there when this happens. You don't deserve to go through any of this."

I sit there shocked. "And you do?" It almost comes out like a sob. How could my mother lie to me about work and go date multiple guys without telling me and push it onto Noah to bare by himself?

"So you've been the one providing all the money? You've been doing everything by yourself?" My eyes begin to water thinking about how much stress Noah has been under his whole life.

"Amira.." I stand up. Not sure if I should hug him for walk away to control my breathing.

"I realize now that I should've told you but.. I would rather be hurt than you or Luca." He looks up from his cup. I stare down at him.

If I look at him any longer I'll break. I know he probably needs a hug but I can't. Has he even told Lilah? I cant- there's too many unanswered questions.

"Amira-" he swallows hard. But before he could finish I walk back outside. Back into the arms of Blake. But once I lay down beside him my tears fall. And he brushes my arm. I realize then that Blake was awake the whole time... he heard everything.

But he doesn't say one word. He just pulls me in and let's me cry.


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