Chapter 26

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Rose didn't have time to ask what was going on, before having to tell the 3, first years not to move due to the plant they were in. Of course, Ron was the only one that didn't listen to her.

"RONALD WEASLEY! I swear to Merlin! Stop it or I will tell your mother that you are disobeying me!" She yelled.

She then explained she would take 15 points from each of them if they didn't listen. And in no time, they fell through the plant. She brushed the dirt off of her robes before sighing.

"What were you thinking? How stupid are you three to come here?" She asked. "Dumbledore told people not to come here for another reason." She added, spitting.
"Snape stole the Philosopher stone. We need to get it from him so that we can save everyone." Harry quickly explained.
"Snape hasn't stole anything, Harry." She sighed.
"We saw him! He tried to kill Harry during the Quiditch game, and he tried to kill you too, Rose. You nearly fell off of your broom!" Ron tried to explain.
"It wasn't him you idiot." Rose tried to explain.
"You can't say that. He wasn't blinking! He was mumbling!" Hermione spat.
"He was doing that as a counter curse." She groaned.

Ignoring the others, Rose helped the Trio through the levels and stages. She already knew Snape would yell at her later, but for now, she ignored it.
When Ron got hit during their Wizard Chess, she felt slightly more weird about the situation. Afterall, he was injured because the three of them were being complete idiots.

"Hermione, take Ron upstairs to the medical wing. Then I need you to get Professor Snape, Dumbledore and Minerva." She quickly explained.
"I can't promise Snape if he's after the stone." Hermione spoke, taking Ron.

The next level for Rose and Harry was potions. She knew exactly which two were poisoned and which wasn't since Rose had been with Severus when they made them. She sighed before looking down at her wrist. The heart shaped mark always made her feel like protecting people was her job so she motioned to the potion which wasn't poison.

"How do you know it isn't poison?" Harry asked.
"I made the Potions with Professor Snape." She sighed, drinking some before passing it to Harry to drink so they could walk through the flames.

She was emotionless as she saw Quirrel stood looking at the mirror. A mirror she hated as she saw her family in it.

More exactly, herself, Fred, Harry, her dad, her mum, her uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus. It brought back memories.

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