Chapter 60

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Rose went back to her bedroom, changing into a lovely peach coloured dress before using some makeup to cover the love bite on her neck. She walked downstairs to see Dubledore sat waiting on the sofa. Clearly already having drank a cup of tea.

"Good afternoon, Dumbledore." She smiled.
"I have a gift for you, Mi- I cannot call you Miss Potter anymore now can I.. Well, I have a gift for you Lady Potter." Dumbledore spoke.
"Hm? What is it, Professor?" She asked, taking the Envelope he offered.
"Open it." Dumbledore smiled.

She opened it and saw two badges. She gasped.
"What is it Rose?" Sirius asked.
"Gryffindor Quiditch Captain and Head Girl." She spoke, looking up. "Thank you so much Professor." She spoke.
"We do not usually give both to one student, however we all made the conclussion you deserved it." Dumbledore explained.
"Thank you so much." Rose spoke, hugging him.
"It is alright Rose. Now I must get going. Oh and Rose, try a potion on your neck. Makeup can only do certain things, but it hardly hides the truth." Dumbledore spoke before quickly leaving.

"I couldnt even tell it was there anymore." Remus laughed.
"I guess Dumbledore knows everything." She shrugged.
"Hold up your badges, kid." Sirius said, holding a camera.

She siled, holding up the badges as Sirius took photo's of her.
Sirius had tears in his eyes, clearly proud.
Remus had called Severus during the whole situation and of course, Severus took a photo of her too which he could take.

"Your mother would be so proud." Severus smiled.
"And James." Sirius spoke up quickly.
"That I already know." Rose smiled, glancing down at the badges. It was a high acheivement, but being with family made it much better. It was something she didn't really have as a child.

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