Chapter 50

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Rose and Fred quickly made their way to the Dungeons and straight into the Potions classroom. She opened the door, walking inside with Fred.
"You two are late, why?" Severus asked, clearly not mad but still a bit confused.
"We had to speak to Professor Lupin. He sent us with a note if you wish to see it." Rose explained.
"No, it's fine, I believe you. Take a seat. I'll have a look at the note later." He explained, motioning to their usual desk.

Rose and Fred nodded, walking to their desks, sorting out their equipment that they needed for the potion they were aking.
They quickly started the potion, catching up with the class easily due to Rose's talent.

"Everyone look at Miss Potter's and Fred Weasle's potion. This is what your potions should look like." Severus told everyone.
"Professor, how is it you can tell Fred and George appart?" Someone questioned.
"Simple. Rose and Fred are always flirting and together. George only remains with Fred." Severus explained.

"Rose, have you ever kissed George on accident after not realising who was who?" Someone laughed.
"Course not. I can tell them appart easily." She shrugged, the twins swapping behind her without her noticing.
"Hey Rose, give Fred a kiss." Someone shouted.

Rose turned to where Fred was before, but now George.
"Move George. I have to kiss Fred." She walked past George and quickly gave Fred a kiss. "Fred, get back to our potion. George doesn't have the talent." She explained.
"How in the world..." Someone mumbled.
"Talent." Another.
"It's true love." George joked.
"Ok, stop this, back to your work." Severus sighed.

They all went back to their potions before heading off to the feast.

However, around two weeks later, she heard Harry was with Lupin. Talking. Everyone else went shopping and were returning pretty easily. She walked up to the dorms with Fred and George, not expecting the claw marks on the painting.... the fat lady was missing...

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