Chapter 51

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"Oh dear Merlin..." Rose mumbled, staring at the painting.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Fred spoke, holding her hand.
"Any chance this is due to Sirius Black?" George questioned.
"I honestly have no idea." Rose explained, busy looking around at the other paintings to see if she could find the Fat Lady anywhere.
Therefore, when Dumbledore asked for the ghosts the be rounded up to find the women, she stepped up.
"Professor, she's up there." Rose pointed up to the painting of cows.
"Thank you, Miss Potter." Dumbledore smiled.

They all walked up to the painting as Dumbledore spoke with the lady. It wasn't long before Dumbledore told everyone to go to the Great Hall, where they would be sleeping for the night.

"Dumbledore." Severus spoke.
"What is it?" Dumbledore questioned.
"I do not feel comfortable with Miss Potter sleeping with the others. If Sirius Black is in the castle and the students are attacked, Rose will be in pure danger." He explained.
"What about Harry, do you not care for him?" Dumbledore asked.
"Harry can easily be hidden. Rose had bright red hair, the only one in the school." Snape sighed.
"Very well. Rose may sleep in her her room in your chambers." Dumbledore spoke.
Severus quickly went to the Great Hall.

"Rose, with me please." Severus told her.
"Huh? Why?" She questioned.
"You're sleeping in your room in my Chambers. It's for your safety." He spoke.
"Alright." She nodded, kissing Fred on the forehead before following after Severus.

They walked down to the Chambers and Severus told her to go into her room, which she did.
Severus told Annie to make sure no one entered the Chamber. He told Rose that he would be back later, before leaving.

Later that night, she heard Snape telling Annie that he was done in the search. Sirius Black hadn't been found, however told her to keep an eye out just in case.
The next morning she woke up, changing into her uniform before exiting her bedroom and walking into Severus's kitchen.

"Good morning, Rose. Sleep alright?" Severus asked her.
"Yeah, I slept alright. Any news from Remus?" She questioned.
"Yes, he's fine Rose. However, I will be supplying your DADA lesson for today." Severus explained.
"That's fine." She smiled.
"The Great Hall started to get emptied out around five minutes ago. You can go find Fred if you wish." Severus told her.
"Okay, thank you." She smiled, quickly leaving Severus's chambers before going up to the Great Hall.

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