Chapter 64

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Of course, Rose and everyone found themselves back in the tent. She currently had a bad feeling and was therefore ignoring the group, who were yelling about the fact Ron had a crush on Victor Krum.
Arthur seemed to realise Rose was acting weird, listening to her surroundings. However, when he heard shouting outside, seeing people running and being attacked. He told Rose what was going on.

"I'll do what I can, get everyone else to safety." She told Arthur quickly. He didn't say anything, just nodded and ran off back to the tent to tell the others what to do. Since Rose was now Lady Potter, it was a strong point for her to help out. Only issue was she wasn't 17 just yet and therefore, she was stuck helping people and guiding them.

In the end, the crouds calmed down a lot. She had a twisted ankle. One extremely bruised wrist. A black eye. A bust lip. Two broken fingers. She also had a bump to the head but she knew it wasn't too much of a damage.

Still in her shoulderless dress and with her injuries, she soon found the Minister and her brother. She limped over.
"Lady Potter." The Minister spoke. She just nodded to him, checking over her little brother. She smiled, realising he was perfectly fine.
"Right then, let's get everyone back to the Portke so we can get home. Rose, Remus is waiting there to help out." Arthur explained.

Fred rushed to her side. "Are you alright Love?" He asked.
"I'm alright. Just a little sore." She smiled.
"Hand over my shoulder, Love. Can't have you walking too much on that ankle." He spoke, helping her put her none injured arm over his shoulder.

Fred helped her to the Portkey as Arthur set it to the Burrow. He fed her the potion for Motion sickness.
Arthur quickly explained to Fred how to walk down from the fall. So he wouldn't injure Rose any further.

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