2 : Back To Where It All Started

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The one thing humans don't want to accept.

Mostly because they don't understand it, but also because they're scared.

Scared of what will happen, why it's happening, or how long it'll last.

Some say nothing good comes out of change but others disagree.

I disagree.

Even though something in you're life is changing doesn't mean your whole life has to.

Sure some things may never be the same again, but in the end, you'll come out better than before.

Now I didn't always have this perspective, but like I said.

Good things can come out of change.


I was in my room working out when my mom knocked on my door and came in. "Lucas can you come here downstairs really quick?" she said stepping into my room.

"Yeah sure I'll be down in the minute."

I cleaned myself up a little and went downstairs to my dad pacing around the living room.

My mom was standing there trying to calm him down but it was no use.

"Yeah, what is it?" I asked sitting down on the couch.

My dad finally stopped pacing and went to sit down across from me. My mom went to sit beside him and held his hand.

"It's your nana." My dad said, his voice sounding a little shaky.

"What? What's wrong?" I sound sounding a little more anxious.

"We have to go."

"What? Why?"

"Just...we have to go." my dad said standing up and going back to his room.

"Just go pack your bags sweetie." my mom said before following my dad.

I went into my room and packed my things while thinking about 2 things: What's going on right now and what I would tell Aaliyah?

I think I'll just tell her that I'm leaving and I don't have a choice. I don't know. But I know that nothing I say will make up for leaving.

I packed my bags nervous about everything going on in my life right now. I didn't know what was going on, but I feel like I should tell Aaliyah I have to leave.

I pulled out my phone and started to call Aaliyah but I decided texting her would be easier so I didn't have to hear he voice.

If I heard her voice I wouldn't be able to.

She started calling me and I just let it ring, She called me again and I just watched my phone ring. I sat there for a few minutes thinking about if I should really go through with this.

Everything was blurred and I wasn't in the right mindset right now.

I still decided to do it.

While tears were slowly trickling down my face I sent her the text that I would probably regret for the rest of my life.

You might say life is dramatic, but if I saw her my heart would break all over again.

This girl is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for leaving her.



The only thing on my mind.

I'm going back home today and I don't know if I can face her.

She hasn't called or texted me since I left and I'm taking that as a sign that she doesn't want to talk.

I would have called her but I know Aaliyah.

If she wants to talk she'll call you and if she doesn't want to talk then you'll never hear from her.

I never heard from her.

Being back in this place brings back memories.

Both good and bad.

I want to see her, but I doubt she ever wants to see my face again.

There's not a day that went by that she wasn't on my mind.

I can't say the same for her.

Xavier always tells me to "Let things happen the way that they're intended to happen because it's going to happen anyway."

Xavier is my best friend. We met each other in the 4th grade, but he moved schools in the 7th grade. We still hung out with each other every chance we got.

I'm lucky to have him. I don't know where I would be without him.

He's moving back this year. His mom got this new job and she said it would be easier if they just moved.

Best decision she could ever make.

Well after having him, but you get what I'm talking about.

I don't know what'll happen this year but I do know that whatever happens will happen.

Let's just hope it's good.


At first, this whole chapter was in Aaliyah's POV but I hated it so I had the brilliant idea to put it in Lucas'.

But now you have a little more info on why Lucas left.

Yes, he now knows it was dumb to not tell Aaliyah the reason he left but what's done is done.

Typical teenage boy.

- Samm

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