20 : Seriously, Whose Idea Was This?

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This could by far be one of the worst ideas in all of history.

Maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe not.

I mean who in their right mind would willingly go to a haunted house?

I'll tell you who. Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Thing 1 and Thing 2 if you wanna be nice about it.

Every time they make a decision it makes me think about my life choices.

"I mean come on," Desiree started, "It can't be that bad right?" We're currently in my room Desirée's sitting on my bed while I'm at my desk. We were watching The Vampire Diaries until Desirée brought up the whole thing again so now that's the topic.

"No, quite frankly it can be that bad."

She laughed at me. I was being dead serious so I took offense to that. "I mean watching scary movies is one thing but actually being in one is a whole other thing."

"You have a point," Desirée said after thinking for a little.

I felt my phone vibrate and when I looked down to see who it was I started smiling. I don't know when just seeing his name started making me smile again yet here we are.

"Who's got you smiling so hard?" Desirée started, "Wait...is it your lover?"

My smile immediately dropped and I looked up from my phone. "Once again definitely not my lover but if you wanna go with that then by all means go ahead."

"Oh come on Aaliyah be completely honest with me," Desireé said as she turned to where I was and waved for me to come sit on my bed, "How do you feel about Lucas?"

I tried to say something but I genuinely couldn't. It's like my mouth was super-glued together. Every time someone asked that question I didn't know how to answer.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I mean I know how I feel but I don't at the same time."

"Strangely enough I know exactly what you mean."

"And that's one of the many reasons I love you."

"I mean who wouldn't love me."

I was about to say something when I felt my phone vibrating. It was Lucas. Facetiming me.

You just can't get enough of me can you?

I could never have too much Aaliyah I mean you should know that by now

What do you want


"Awwwwwww" Desirée interrupted while placing her hands over her chest.

"Can you shut up?" I said while throwing a pillow at her.

I'm being serious

And so am I. I don't think I've made any attempt to hide how I feel about you Aaliyah. You're the only one who's acting like you don't know what you want.

So you called my phone to yell at me for not knowing how I feel

I didn't yell

Bye Lucas

Ok wait. I called to check up on you

Check on me?


"Awwwwww," Desirée said again.

"I'm seriously about to kick you out."

"Well, I can see where I'm not wanted." She got off my bed and left my room.

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