17 : Suprise Visits

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Another day, another boring week in school.

I don't see how I made it through this day.

I'm seriously starting to think Mondays should be banned.

But if we did that then Tuesday would become the new Monday and we don't wanna do that to Tuesday.

We like Tuesday.

Kind of.

I was standing at the locker I never use trying to figure out the combination. I think I left something in there by accident one day and now I need it.

That's when Ms. "Stay away from Lucas" appeared.

"Miller," she said standing in front of me.

"Brooke," I said giving her all my attention. I got time today.

"Just wanted to talk to you really quick."

"Really?! I feel like I should have a camera or something to document this historic moment. Because Brooke Baldwin is talking to me! I feel famous."

The smug smile on her face disappeared. "Your little sarcastic comments get you nowhere."

"I think Lucas feels differently."

"There's no way he's serious about you. I mean just think about it."

I stood there for a second. "Yeah, I thought about it. Lucas and I dated for years and then we broke up when he left now that we're both back we're friends again. Does that sound about right Brooke?"

"You sound dumb if you really think Lucas wants you back after not seeing you for months. I mean he did leave you didn't he?"

"Any more comments you have about me and Lucas?"

"Just one more. I hope he comes to his senses one day and realize the mistake that he's making by being with you."

I changed my mind. I don't have time for this today.

I walked off and started walking toward the parking lot.

"Aaliyah, what's wrong?"

I didn't stop and I heard Lucas' footsteps come behind me.

"Woah, Aaliyah calm down," Lucas said walking behind me.


I stopped dead in my tracks. I don't know how he had this power over me, but he did.

He finally came up to me and stood in front of me. He placed his shoulders on mine towering down over me he had an apologetic look on his face.

"Now. Tell me what's wrong."


He didn't say anything, so I took that as an invitation to keep talking.

"She just brings out the worse in me and she won't leave me alone. Why? I don't know but it's getting pretty annoying at this point."

"Just don't pay her any attention."

"That's pretty hard considering she's following you around like a lost puppy and you're always with me."

"Well, we'll figure it out together just try not to let her get you this upset."

"Thank you," I said giving him a little smile.

He smiled at me and said something. I was doing good until I saw Brooke out of the corner of my eye. Lucas must've noticed because he turned around.

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