4 : Summer Nights

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Summer flew by and the next thing you know I was getting ready to go to school in a couple of days.

In honor of summer being over Desirée and I said we should go out for "a night on the town."

Now I know what you're thinking the last time we decided to do something like this it didn't turn out so well.

But it's going to be fun this time.


"So first on the agenda is room shopping," Desirée said as she sat on my bed while I got ready.

Most of the house was furnished it was just a few empty spaces. As for my room, it was almost done.

I would say it was completely done but we all know your room is never actually finished.

My room was big so I got a king-sized bed. My bed frame was light grey with jewels inside the holes.

The dresser I got was white and on the wall in front of my bed, I had my TV above it. I'm not sure what size it is.

I got a chair pod to put in the corner of my room and I had this huge vanity. I love it with all my heart because my mom gave it to me as a gift.

Everything was mostly done we just needed more decor, blankets, and other little things like that.

"After that, we're going to the arcade and there's this new restaurant that I thought we should try so that's where we'll eat. Then I thought we should go to the dock. It's close enough to the beach where we can walk over but far enough that we'll have time to run in case of a tsunami."

Desirée is one of the most organized people I know. Sometimes she can be a little hectic, but other than that she's always organized.

"I'm so glad that you're so organized all the time. I usually just wing it, but that's why I have you."

"That's why I'm here. You're so unorganized that even when I'm not trying to be organized I'm still more organized than you."

"Thanks for the compliment."

I put on my outfit which was a blue college sweatshirt and some black leggings along with my black high-top Converse.

Desirée and I went to the furniture store and can I just say I don't understand why it's so expensive.

Thirty dollars for a throw blanket should be illegal.

"Do you see anything that you like?" Desirée asked as we walked through the isles.

"Not anything for these prices," I said checking the price tag of a lamp.

"Well, no one said the stuff would be cheap."

"They didn't say it would be expensive either."

We walked out of the store with one bag. One bag.

Even though it was expensive Desirée said I should get something, so I got a silver lamp to go on my nightstand.

I'm out sixty-five dollars but hey! At least now I have a lamp.

After that, we went to the arcade which was a disaster by the way. There's no way that she beat me in half the games. I think she cheated.

It was near the restaurant that Desirée talked about so we went there afterwards. We sat in there and talked for what felt like forever. Before you know it the sun was setting.

Summer sunsets were always the prettiest. I guess it's just the season for good sunsets.

We walked out of the restaurant and were on our way to the beach when I saw Lucas. He was there with Xavier and they were eating outside someplace.

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