-Paige Halavey-

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In a moment of absolute clarity.

A hand closed around a hatchet.

And with wild swing.

Hit flesh.

The careers were taken aback as they heard one of their own's screams of pain as she held her forearm and squeezed because of the pain, staring in horror at her missing wrist on the ground.

But she didn't have the time to contemplate it for too long.

Paige had tackled her down, lifting the hatched over her head and brought it down straight into her face.


But that was not all she did.

She wretched the hatchet out and swung it horizontally into the tributes face, twisting it out and again.

Paige panted through her pain, it felt like her world fell to pieces and it had, she was supposed to die and her brother live, it was supposed to be her, not him..... NOT HIM!!!"

"AAAAAAAH!!!" She slammed the butt of bottom of the handle into the girl's face, caving in her face. "YOU'LL ALL FUCKING PAY!!!"

She picked her other hatchet up when a painful force shot through her shoulder, knocking her down.

She barely registered that she was hit by an arrow, that pain nothing compared to the agony she felt in her heart, she was supposed to die not Marcus! Marcus was supposed to go home! HOME!!!

She stood, with a war cry filled with agony and rage, barreling towards the nearest carrier who put another arrow through her side but it wasn't deterrent enough. Paige only stumbled slightly to the left, only pissed of more, both arms to the left at her hips and swinging up right.

District 1's last tribute got disemboweled as he felt his ribs shatter under the impact, before the blade could even start to slide through his flesh.

Paige swung her left arm up, blocking a sword swing from Josh as she yanked on the hatchet still tangled in the bowels, yanking the intestines out of the tribute's body.

She swung that hatchet into the ribs of Josh, making hims stumble back as she ducked the trident throw and threw her hatchet at the girl.

She was blowing like a rabid bull, seeing nothing but red, an all consuming rage governing her actions.

She kicked Josh in his bleeding side as she turned to the other, slamming her remaining axe through his skull and, like a lever, using it to twist and break his neck.


Nothing could be fixed, nothing would until all those that wronged her had perished! MARCUS WAS SUPPOSED TO WIN!!!!

She yanked the hatchet out, blocking a sword stab with a downwards swing of the hatchet before twisting it and aiming at his neck, the male jerking away just in time.

She span on herself, ducking the riposte and driving her knee into the side of his leg.

"AAAH!!" She yelled in angered pain as the sword slash deep into her already bleeding side, backing away from the offence long enough to not be sliced into two pieces.

Slamming her hatchet on the swords handle, sectioning his thumb off and his pointer hang on a flap of skin only, making the weapon slide before he grabbed it with his others hand but that was enough of an opening for Paige.

Swinging the hatchet into his temple on his now unprotected side, bringing him down like a heavy weight.

She crouched over him, putting both hands on the hatchet and, while watching his face, shoved on her arms and sank the hatchet in his skull.


She stood up, panting as she looked at the one responsible for her pain, crawling in panic on the ground, the hatchet hitting its target, Julia could not move her legs.

Paige walked over to where her trident hit the ground and walked back to her.

"No! Please!" She yelled, tears in her eyes but mercy was long forgotten, with both hands gripping the weapon, Paige swung it like a bat, snapping the shin bone with a loud crack followed by a scream of pain.

She lifted the weapon again, swinging down at her body, the ribs caving in, and again but this time blood splattered from her face as she hit her head, lacerated by the prongs of the trident.

Paige took a deep breath and grabbed the trident with the head towards the ground and drove it through the career's knee, twisting it in the wound before pulling it out and stabbing it in again, aiming for the same area but slight off from the constant moving.

She yanked it out, steeping a foot on the career's back with all her weight to hold her in place as she stabbed her again and again and again, in the back with the trident until it could only be seen as minced meat, stabbing it once more and leaving it planted in there.

She crouched near the shaky body, barely holding on despite how the owner wished for it to break and stop working.

Paige laced her fingers tightly it the hair on the back of Julia's head, lifted it off the ground before slamming it down and she didn't stop until she heard the magical sound.


She panted, covered in blood, guts and sweat, standing with a tear stained face and stumbling back to her brother's body.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the 71st hunger games! Paige Halavey!"

On the way, she gently picked up Jasmine, laying her next to him and away from the careers's corpses, they have no right to be in her presence.

She fell down by his side as she laid the girl down with her weapon as per district 2 honors, adrenaline alone, without anger to fuel it, it being replaced with the agony of loss, not enough to keep her going.

More tears came out in sobs.

Sobbed and sobbed, laying her head on his chest, feeling herself weaken, a hand still holding the career's now cold hand.

"You are my sunshine..." She started to sing in a whisper, voice shaking.

Her blood mixing with their, pooling from her wound.

"My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." She caressed his face with her hand. The lyrics changing to reflecting her feelings.

"The other night, dear. As I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms."

She squeezed him in her arms and also reached back, held Jasmine's hand tightly.

"When I awoke, dear I was mistaken." 

She closed her eyes.

"So I hung my head and I cried."

She felt her strength leave her, ears ringing and body cold.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray.... You'll never know, dear how much I love you.... Please don't take my sunshine away...." She sobbed with the last of her strengths as the world faded out around her.

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