-Hair Tie-

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(Fun fact: Most the videos at the start of chapters are chosen because of the vibe I get off the chapter.)


Was it really 20?

Paige couldn't happy for 19 and much lest for 20.... Marcus would have been 18 now.

Not even Johanna could make her forget the pain, being with her was a good enough distraction but it always loomed over her shoulder with its ugly razor filled maw, striking at the throat when she was left alone.

Currently, she was walking through the untamed forests of 7, feeling more at home here then in her own house currently.

The huge trees filled the area like always, smell of them calming to the senses.

She looked up at the foliage as she heard bird sing and imitate each other, oh yeah, this time of year was when Mockingjays fly across Panem to migrate who knows were.

She always liked those bird, her brother and her would play a silly little game, who could make the silliest sound and get the birds to copy it as even they weren't able to copy all sounds.

She took a breath.

Waiting a bit before many birds echoed her, a slight smile on her face.

She started doing different versions after each other, the bird copying each time, even her worst whistles.

But there was something missing.

A tear escaped her eyes as she stopped, now of all days, she missed her family more then she ever did, feeling the loneliest.

She watched the bird, copying her whistles for a while before they found a new sound to copy.

She walked to a tree, grappling the bark almost and pulled up, using mostly her hands to climb, just bracing and pushing upwards with her legs.

She grabbed the first branch and hoisted herself up a good 20 if not 30 feet off the ground, already in the canopy as there were no lower branches then this one.

She sat on it, looking at the blue sky through the leaves.

If she just... Leaned back.... It would be done, she'd be with her brother, with her father, with all the tributes, at peace.

She leaned a bit more but not over the thresh hold of her center of gravity, feeling the pull backwards slightly, closing her eyes and hanging her head back.

She could escape all this pain if she just leaned back an inch more, the impact was sure to kill her right away if she fell in this way and no one would find her in this forest, not before they notice she is missing and then it would be too late.

She pulled the flask out with one hand and uncapped it, drinking from it but much less then she wanted.... She'd need to live if she want to fill it... But is it worth it?

"Yes." She muttered, leaning forwards and staring down between her swinging legs, she needed to stay and she knew it despite the easy outs she was offered, a fall from a tree, a nightlock pill, she needed to stay no, questions asked.

She needed to remember all those that died, she needed to train her tributes, she.... Couldn't bring herself for doing this to Johanna.

It was bittersweet how being sure the other victor had someone else that lived the same thing stayed alive outweighed the idea that she could be with her family again and escape the pain.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now