Chapter 11

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Russia pov.

I woke this morning to a screaming match happening outside, and I could feel Ame's disappointment.

"Not again." Ame groaned.

"What's going on?" I asked, slightly concerned with his new behavior.

"The military is at it again." He replied triedly. I looked at him with a confused expression, almost begging for an explanation of any kind. "Follow me." Was all he said, but I did as told and followed him to the backyard. Once we got there I saw Mexico, Canada and Confederate trying to stop the Marines and Army from fighting more. "Boys, Attention!" Ame yelled above them. Their reaction immediate, their forms well practiced and no one moved.

"Estúpidos, si no querías involucrarte en Estados Unidos, no empieces a gritar partidos en el patio trasero." Mexico told the boys, knocking them both on the head. (Dumbasses, if you didn't want to get America involved don't start screaming matches in the backyard.)

"At ease, but your aunt is right, if you didn't want me involved, don't fight within earshot." Ame told them.

"Sorry dad." They replied in unison.

"What the hell are you both doin' up this early anyway?" Confederate asked.

"We're normally up this early, NATO and NASA are up as well, but they left us unattended, and the others won't be up for another hour or so." Marine replied. I saw Ame shake his head in disapproval.

"Back to bed, both of you. I'll talk to NATO and NASA about this in a little bit." Ame told them. We watched them as they walked in the house dejectedly. I stayed outside with Ame and Mexico, while Canada and Confederate followed the military branches inside.

"Hermano por qué no abres un poco tus alas, volaré contigo, necesitas un descanso, algo de estar en el cielo me hace sentir libre, vamos." Mexico told Ame. (Brother why don't you spread your wings for a bit, I'll fly with you, you need a break, something about being in the sky makes me feel free, come on.)

"Goldie, you know I haven't flown in years." He replied.

"Come on, I know you stopped after what happened to Poland, but I've flown with him, I saw the pride in his eyes as he touched the sky for the first time in years." Mexico told him, still trying to convince Ame to fly.

"He's not going to fly Auntie, he hasn't flown since the incident no matter how hard we tried to get him into the air, he won't." NASA told Mexico.

"NASA you have wings right?" She asked the kid.

"Yes, I do." NASA replied skeptically.

"Then help me convince your father to fly." She told him sternly. I watched them for ten minutes as they convinced Ame to take flight. After eight of those minutes he stopped trying to argue and took off his shirt to allow his wing to spread. Once they had taken flight I watched them perform aerial maneuvers that I've only seen in books. I watched them for about an hour or so when Texas joined me outside.

"She actually did it, mom got dad to fly again." Texas spoke up, wonder lacing his voice. I nodded and pulled the boy into my lap so we could watch the others fly. "Russia right? Thank you for making dad a bit happier, I haven't seen him smile that much in a long time." Texas told me.

"Ah, you're welcome." I told the boy not knowing what else to say. We stayed like this for another 30 minutes or so, before they decided to land.

"Dad, that was awesome!" Texas spoke as he got up to hug his father.

"Yeah, I felt free for the first time in years, thanks sis, you too NASA." Ame told them. They nodded and walked inside.

"Ame, that was beautiful." I told him, he looked away, and I saw the tops of his ears turn red.

"Hey Tex, are your siblings awake?" Ame asked.

"No, not yet, I'm sure the military branches are awake with NATO and NASA, but I think everyone else is still asleep." Texas replied.

"Alright, I want you to wake everyone up, the way you always do." Ame told the small Texan. The boy nodded fervently and ran inside. A moment later pots clanging can be heard from outside. I watched Ame start laughing and fall down. Once America finished laughing we walked inside and and started on breakfast for everyone. Once breakfast was finished and put on the dinning hall table, screaming can be heard once again.

America pov.

Russia and I had just finished breakfast and set it on the table, when we heard screaming from the backyard. I sighed knowingly and walked out the back door.

"Attention!" I yelled over the two military branches, like I had earlier this morning. "At ease. Why are you both fighting now?" I asked them both, they rested their stance, folding their hands behind their backs, and moved their feet to shoulders width apart.

"Marine started eating Flower's crayons again, and she started crying when she saw half of her box missing." Army replied. I shook my head disappointingly.

"Marine, I thought you broke that habit, but that doesn't explain your involvement Army." I told them. "Go inside, and leave your rivalry out here, I'll set up a challenge for you both to get along. You can not ask for help, you two have to work together." I told them, they nodded and walked inside to the dinning hall joining their siblings for breakfast. I followed them soon after and sat down.

"Again? Didn't I tell you boys not to fight in the backyard?" Goldie told them.

"This is what we get for leaving them alone NATO." NASA told his sister.

"Yeah, it could've been worse in all honesty." She replied, earning a nodded from her brother.

"North!! You've got a call! It's from the EU! I'm in the office!" Dixie yelled down.

"I'm coming South, give me a minute!" I yelled back. I quickly ran up stairs and took the phone from Dixie. "Hey EU what's up? You normally don't call unless you need NATO." I asked the male on the line.

"UN has called a meeting, everyone is to be there in an hour at best." He responded.

"Got it, I'll inform the others, we should arrive shortly. I'm also going to bring two on my military branches as I can not leave them unattended at the moment." I told him.

"That should be fine." EU replied.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now