Chapter 38

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Belarus pov.

We're in the cabin of America's van and NATO and I had struck up a conversation about my brother and her father.

"I'm telling you Belarus, dad has been after Russia for years. The fact that he waited this long amazed me. I'm just glad that Russia made dad happy after the whole situation with Brazil." NATO told me quietly.

"It's the same for Russia, he was so dejected after the cold war because he had finally built enough courage to ask America out, but Brazil had beaten him to the punch. It drove Russia mad seeing America come to the meetings covered in bruises and shaking in fear whenever Brazil approached him, he nearly left BRICS just to knock some sense into the Brazilian." I replied matching her tone, as to not be heard by everyone else. She giggled lightly and looked over to the driver's area, a gentle look in her eye as she watched her father flirt with Russia and sighed softly.

"Something wrong NATO?" I asked her.

"No, I'm just wondering what it would be like if I had something like dad and Russia." She replied softly.

"You're thinking about ASEAN again, aren't you?" I asked her, a small smirk playing on my face as she sputtered in response.

"How do you know?" She asked ne incredulously.

"I learned it from Japan, she always has the best gossip to go around, and its all based on facts. She also stays with him when she and Imperial Japan are fighting." I replied nonchalantly.

"Don't tell anyone Belarus, dad doesn't even know yet." She told me sternly. I nodded at her request and promised to keep my mouth shut.

"We're 30 minutes away from the airport!" America called out to us. "NATO what's Kazakhstan, Chile, and South Korea's eta to the airport?" He asked NATO.

"They will arrive at the same time we are Dad." She responded quickly.

"Thanks NATO." America told his daughter thankfully. The rest of the drive was quiet and peaceful. I saw NATO typing something out and watched her in confusion as she finished typing, setting her phone on her lap once more.

America pov.

As the drive went on both Russia and I had gotten to know each other better and it had made my feelings grow for the Russian, sure we're both dating and things happened, but I can't help but notice that my affection for the male next to me is growing faster than ever. The butterflies in my stomach increase with every small gesture he does for me, the way his rich black hair frames his face perfectly, and his enticing warm brown eyes hold my heart. I refocused on the road before I was caught staring at him. Once we made it to the airport, I made sure everyone had their disguises on and everyone's tickets got passed out.

"Natalie, can you call our friends and tell them to meet us at gate 5?" I asked my daughter. She nodded and called Chile, Kazakhstan, and South Korea telling them to meet us by our gate.

"They said ok, and they'll see us soon." She replied once the call ended. Once we got to the gate and sat down waiting for the flight to be called I noticed three males walking in our direction.

"Ақыры сені таптық." Lev, or Kazakhstan told us, Chile and South Korea following behind him. (Finally, we found you.)

"Sorry about that you three, this trip was planned last minute." Natalie told them.

"It's fine, we needed a break from our house mates." Rio, or South Korea replied taking a seat next to Japan. Chile doing the same next to Mexico.

"Are all the children yours Keith?" Ezekiel, or Chile asked me.

"Yeah, and this is my twin Hunter." I told him pointing at Dixie.

"Howdy, it's a pleasure to meet ya." Dixie told him, holding his out for a handshake.

"Likewise." Ezekiel replied taking his hand and shakes it firmly.

"Flight 28 to Australia, first class now boarding, Flight 28 to Australia now boarding." The PA announced, we got up and headed to the flight attendant, we showed her the tickets and she let us through the gate. We found our seats and settled down enjoying subtle conversations between friends and family as we wait for the plane to take off.

"Papa! Can I sit with you?" Juneau asked.

"Yea, you can Juneau, come here." I told her. She smiled happily and crawled into my lap, Austin doing the same with Nikolai.

~time skip/ Yamba, Australia~

After we got off the plane and the shuttles came to pick us up to drop us off at the port, we mutually agreed to help the staff on the yacht and tip extra for letting us help. Since Natalie did this under my name I'm the primary charter guest, I don't know how we are going to play this with the amount of people we have, but we'll make it work. Once we got to the port and our luggage was emptied from the shuttles we walked to the yacht we rented for the next few days.

"Hello, you must be the captain of this fine ship, I'm Keith, and this is my lovely group of friends and family, I know that this is a rather unorthodox trip of 76 people, and our request of helping you all with the yacht and chores." I told the captain.

"We'd appreciate the help Keith, the last charter wasn't very pleasant." The captain told me. I looked at everyone and they nodded.

"Very well then, we'll take our bags to our cabins, explore the boat while you all rest, and prepare a nice meal for dinner." Natalie told the crew.

~time skip/ dinner~

"Matteo, can you get the crew please, dinner is ready." Elena asked him.

"Yes Auntie." Matteo responded quickly and ran down to the crew nest to get the crew. It didn't take long for everyone on the boat to make their way to the dinning table and eat the food we had prepared.

"This is amazing!" The crew exclaimed excitedly, enjoying the meal in front of them.

"Leave room for dessert, kids after dinner it's time for bed, we set sail in the morning." Nikolai told the kids. "You don't have to go to sleep immediately, but we do need you to stay in your cabin for the night.

"We will!" The kids agreed and finished dinner and Kent went to grab tonight's dessert. Once he got back I noticed that Nikolai was slightly flushed from the drinks, I hid my soft smile and shook my head at his antics.

"Thanks for grabbing the dessert Kent." I told my son.

"No problem dad." He replied happily. I stopped Nikolai from drinking more before he became too drunk.

"Keith, just one more drink please.~" Nikolai asked, his words slightly slurred.

"No, you've had enough for the night, now if everyone is done eating, I'll take the plates and clean them up. Hunter can you watch Nikolai for me and make sure he doesn't get any more alcohol?" I asked.

"Sure brother." Hunter replied, I nodded and picked up the plates with Xavier following close behind me. Once we got to the kitchen Xavier and I finished with the dishes we headed back to the other's. As we got back Nikolai walked over to me clearly drunk and hugged me tightly. "Kids why don't y'all head to y'all's cabin for the night?" Dixie told the kids, they agreed quickly and padded off to their cabin, the military, Natalie and Artemis staying behind.

"Nikolai, what's wrong?" I asked my lover slightly worried for his well-being.

"I just want to cuddle Keith, I'm not that drunk." He replied softly, words still slurring a bit.

"Why don't you 7 head to your cabin as well, we are about to head to ours." Elena told the kids that stayed. They nodded and padded off to their cabin.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें