Chapter 23

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America pov.

Once I finished tucking Austin and Juneau in, I walked back to the backyard to finish the meteor shower.

"Welcome back dad, how's Lone Star doing?" Uri asked.

"Lone Star's doing alright for now, him and Ala are sleeping, so everyone start heading up to your room's and settle down for the night." I told everyone.

"Stars, I'm going to stay with Lone Star and Juneau, it's just in case, but I could help him keep warm when Ala isn't there." Maple told me, I nodded in turn allowing his proposal. I helped NASA pick up the blankets and put them away. Once we finished I set him to bed and I went to my room. When I got there I wasn't expecting Russia to still be awake and waiting for me.

"Meric come lay down, it's late." Ruski told me.

"I'm coming, you didn't have to wait for me you know." I replied.

"But I did, so deal with it, now get you butt in bed, it's cold." He groaned, I chuckled a bit then joined him on the bed.

"Night Russ." I told him tiredly.

"Night Ame." Russia replied, pulling me into the small spoon position.


Canada pov.

"Uncle Nada wake up, I need your help calming Lone Star down, I got up a few minutes ago to use the bathroom and when I came back, Austin was shaking." Alaska told me, shaking me awake.

"Juneau where are you? Please come back." Lone Star asked softly, fear lacing his voice. Alaska immediately ran to her bed and pulled him onto a hug.

"I'm right here Austin, I'm not going anywhere." She told him soothingly, "now let's go back to sleep." She finished, shifting them so she was spooning Tex.

"Juneau can you sing that one lullaby dad used to sing for us?" Texas asked.

"Sure Austin." She replied. "I remember tears streaming down your face, When I said I'll never let you go, When all those shadows almost killed your light, I remember you said don't leave me here alone, But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight." She sang softly. "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound." Alaska continued, "Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire, The war outside our door keeps raging on, Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone, gone." She finished when she saw Lone Star asleep again. "Sorry for waking you up Uncle Nada." Ala apologized.

"Hey, I don't care if you woke me up, if Lone Star was having a flashback I would've had to help, we're lucky it was just his separation anxiety acting up, go back to sleep Alaska." I told my niece.

"Night." She responded, resting her head on the pillow, hugging Lone Star so he knows she's there. I watched them for a bit long to make sure they're fully asleep again then went back to sleep myself.


NASA pov.

I woke up this morning with a nagging feeling in my stomach and decided to wait for NATO to wake up to express my concerns.

"NASA why are you awake?" Nato asked.

"I just woke up, but I have a weird feeling that something bad is going to happen." I told her.

"Ok, go wake up the branches and tell them it's time to train, I'll meet you in the backyard." NATO replied blankly. I gave her a two finger salute and ran to the military's room and woke them up.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now