Chapter 28

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Mexico pov.

I smiled softly at Dixie's sleeping form.

"I feel bad for him Goldie, we haven't seen him this bad since his first day back." Maple told me gently, I nodded in agreement and gently played with Confetti's hair. I felt him shift slightly as I continued playing with his hair. I saw Ame walk in and waved to him. Maple looked over to him and got off the bed carefully.

"Stripes is everything ok?" Nada asked.

"Yea, I'm fine brother." Ame replied softly. "How's Dixie?" He asked quietly.

"He's sleeping now, but I don't know if that's good or not." I told Ame tentatively.

Confederate pov.


I found myself back at the Confederate camp, walkin' towards the tent Lone Star was in. 'Please I can't take this torture no more, please let it end' I thought to myself. Once I reached the tent and looked inside and saw Lone Star shakin' like a leaf in the wind.

"Now I'm gonna ask you again Texas, where did Union hide your siblin's?" Hazed me asked.

"I'm tellin you, I don't know! I just want my Uncle Dixie back!" Lone Star replied, fear lacin' his voice. 'I'm sorry Lone Star, I should've been stronger for you and your siblin's.' I thought, wantin' to reach out to my nephew and hug him tightly.

"Texas, tell me where Union hid your siblin's. I ain't gonna ask again." Hazed me demanded. I saw Lone Star shrink back in fear. 'I'm sorry Lone Star, I'm so fuckin sorry.' I thought.

"-Xie wake up!" Someone yelled.

"Dixie! Wake up!" The person yelled again. I felt a stingin' in my check as I started to wake up.


The stingin in my check didn't leave as I woke up.

"Good you're awake." North told me.

"I had the flashback again didn't I?" I asked solemnly.

"Yea." Nada replied softly. I latched onto North, and hugged him tightly. I felt him rub my back gently.

"It's going to be alright Dix, we've got you, and everyone already forgave you a long time ago." Union told me.

"I know y'all did, but it doesn't help the fact that a lot of us are havin flashbacks and shit." I spoke quietly.

"Stripes I thought you were outside with the states and Russia, why'd you come in here?" Nada asked.

"I went out there to check on them because France caught Ark and Rolltide sparing." North replied simply. I chuckled softly.

"How'd that turn out?" I asked.

"Russ defused the situation before I got out there with France." North replied. "He was carrying Lone Star and Alaska when I went out there as well." He finished.

"I need to apologize to those two." I told North.

"I'll take you to them, I had sent Russ to Ala's room so they could rest." Ame told me.

Alabama pov.

It's been a few minutes after dad left and we were playing in the woods in the backyard.

"Rolltide get out of the tree!" Ark yelled up to me.

"Aw come on Little Rock, it's fun." I replied, excitedly.

"Ark is right Bama, your up too high and NASA ain't here to save you from fallin' again." West Virginia told me. I sigh and climb down the tree.

"Anybody see Lone Star and Alaska?" Indiana asked.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Where stories live. Discover now