Chapter 30

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United Nations pov.

I mentally thanked America for taking Brazil in despite their past together, and I made a note of his warning, and a mental note of the other countries he's housing. 'Well Brazil is screwed.' I thought to myself as I drove out to pick up the Brazilian. Once I got there Brazil was already waiting outside with a smug smile on his face. 'He's going to get himself killed.' I thought as he got into the back seat of my car.

"I spoke with your new host, and he has a few rules for you. 1, be mindful of the personal boundaries, and 2, do not under any circumstances cause any fights or start trouble, I have no power in that house, and I know very well that you were only welcomed in because the head of that household knew he was the last resort, so start problems, and he will have your head on a silver plater." I told the Brazilian in the back seat. I watched his smile widen.

"So I am going to America's then, lucky me." Brazil replied smoothly, a sly smile playing on his face.

"I'm giving you a warning Brazil, there are reasons we as peace keeping organizations don't tell him what to do. He could wipe us all out if he really wanted to." I told him sternly.

"I know, I'll behave." He replied simply, the smug tone still lacing his voice. I sigh and drive to America's house and text him that I'm on my way.

Colorado pov.

When Uncle Dixie said that we could plan to mess with Brazil, we went all out and planned traps for days and some silly pranks that'll make the Brazilian mad.

"Ala, Tex, are you two ready? It's almost time, Dad just texted that UN was on his way with Brazil, we can set everything up as we go through the plan." NATO told us. We all nodded as a collective and ran inside to assume our positions for phase one.

"Kids, North is gonna bring UN up to the house, he's planning on revealing us to him." Uncle Dixie told us.

"About time, he knew he wasn't going to be able to hide them from UN forever." Maple replied triedly. "Did he really have to agree to take Brazil in though?" He asked groaning in frustration. Dad walked in with Brazil and UN.

"NASA! Can you show Brazil to the spare bedroom?" Dad asked him.

"Yea, follow me Brazil." NASA agreed, making sure the Brazilian was following him.

"Lone Star now!" NATO called out, and Lone Star shot at Brazil with a orbbez gun, getting a headshot each time he fired the gun.

"America, who are all these children and the male with the flag similar to yours?" UN asked dad.

"The kids are mine, and as for the male, that is my blood twin, Confederate." Dad replied simply.

"How many kids do you have in total, as I know NASA, NATO, CDC, your military and your capital are 9 of them." UN asked.

"I have 64 in total, the 50 states, 5 territories and the 9 you mentioned." Dad told him. UN nodded and looked over everyone once more.

"I'll be taking my leave then America, stay safe and please make sure Brazil stays alive." UN told dad.

"Goldie, can you walk UN back to his car please, I wanna talk to the kids." Dad asked Aunt Mexico.

"Yea, come on ONU." Auntie told UN. He followed her out, and Dad turned to us.

"You guys have free reign, just don't kill him." Dad told us, we smiled as we knew that already.

"We're just gonna scar him papa, nothin' too bad." Missi told him. He smiled at us before joining Russia on the couch.

Russia pov.

When Ame joined me on the couch, I wrapped my arm around him as he relaxed into the hug. It didn't take long for Brazil to join us in the living room, and I pulled Ame closer to me as he was visibly uncomfortable when the Brazilian entered the room. 'I know I don't know the full story Ame, but I will protect you with everything I have.' I thought to myself as Brazil sat down near us. Being the good boyfriend I am, I pulled Ame into my lap and held him closer to me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Brazil." Dixie told the Brazilian, gun aimed at his head.

"Am I not allowed to sit near Ame now? What a pity." Brazil spoke carefully and got off the couch and moved to the small lounge chair, staring at Ame. I noticed that his wings were hidden and he was trembling slightly. I shot an icy glare at Brazil and made him look away. I started playing with Ame's hair softly, trying to get him to calm down.

"Thanks Ruski." Ame thanked me quietly.

"Anytime Meric." I replied matching his whisper. I felt him curl into me more, and lay his head against my chest. I continue playing with his hair gently, a soft smile playing on my face as Alaska and Texas join us on the couch.

"Отец, are you going to protect dad from the mean man over there?" Alaska asked, pointing to Brazil. I saw Dixie snort, and I looked at Alaska.

"Yes, I'll protect Meric from Brazil." I replied softly. The Alaskan smiled and shifted closer to me and Ame.

"That's cute, but how long will it last?" Brazil spoke up, making an off handed comment.

"Oye, idiota, guárdatelo o te expulsaremos del experimento por completo, no tenemos tiempo para tus comentarios ambiguos y no estamos dispuestos a lidiar con la mierda que sigue.  Estoy bastante seguro de que la ONU ya te dio una advertencia, ¿no es así?" Mexico snapped at Brazil. (Hey dumbass, keep that to yourself or we will get you kicked out of the experiment entirely, we don't have time for your backhanded comments and aren't willing to deal with the bullshit that follows. I'm pretty sure UN already gave you a warning, did he not?) I'm trying not to laugh at the face Brazil is making, and I quickly texted BRICS that I'm going to pull out of the Treaty and will not help Brazil in anything other than trade. She responded quickly and agreed to my terms. I pulled Ame closer to me, watching Brazil closely.

"Brazil you better back the hell off mate, you're only here because UN had nowhere else to put you." Australia expressed coldly.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop." Brazil caved. The kids handed Texas a gun and he aimed it at Brazil.

"Keep your eyes off my dad, or I will not hesitate to shoot you dead." Texas threatened the Brazilian. Brazil backed off completely at the Texan's claim, and quickly noticed that the rest of the southern states had guns as well. I heard Dixie let out a low chuckle and signaled the kids to lower their weapons. They did as told, and lowered the guns and scattered throughout the house.

"Estrellas, ¿estás bien?" Mexico asked Ame. (Stars, are you ok?)

"Yea, I'm fine Goldie." Ame replied softly, curling into me more. I smile and continue playing with his hair soothingly.

"I'll start on dinner, anyone want to help out?" Raine asked. Some of the kids stood up and followed her into the kitchen.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat