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Jasmine Pov

It's been 9 years since I've been here, I've learned that I'm with the third most powerful Mafia. Josh taught me everything I need to know he taught me how to hack, fight, kill, and race. When I first met him he was nice... But... I mean he is still very very nice to me, it's just his dad his dad is rude and mean to me, I'm sure he doesn't like me, he sometimes beats me but Josh is always their he always stops him which I'm grateful for.

Josh is my best friend. Yet he's a bit older than me. Josh is 31. He was 22 I was 4 when he met me. But like I said he taught me all of that stuff to survive this cruel world. I'm strong and brave the most powerful deadliest assassin known as the ' Silencer ' I'm called that because of my abilities. I fight quickly I'm strong these 9 years I've  killed about 2,492 but whose counted.

I act like a child who just got their first candy. I act like that when I'm around people I trust and feel safe. But with the opposite, you don't wanna mess with me. I'm taught how to keep a straight face even if someone shot me.

I was walking to Mr. Petrov office. He is Josh father.

As I enter the room I see him looking at his laptop.

"Hello sir. You needed me?" I say with a cold tone as I sit down.

"I have a mission for you, you know the most powerful Mafia, well tomorrow at 7:48 they will be attending a ball. I want you to assassination Mr Russo." Mr. Petrov.

"And which one are we talking about." I say

"Jason, he's the Mafia boss, kill him and if anyone gets in you're way KILL THEM!!" He says as he screams the last two words at me. I then nod then leave.

' God, I should go back to his office and slit open his throat, I'm sure his scream will be music to my hears.' I thought to myself.

As I pack up because well we're in Russia and the Russo's are in London, with the German Mafia. If the Italian and German are together it looks like I'm going to go on a killing spree. I the head to my car.

And just like that I was at the airport. I was supposed to be still driving but I just went speeding. I love speeding, I love how it feels when you're window is down and you can feel the fresh breeze fly on you're face and threw you're hair.

As I sit in my privet jet, yup privet jet. As I sit down I looked threw the Russo's family file. Mr Russo's the old Don has 5 boys all grown up. About 9 years ago they had a daughter but then one day they attended a ball and she got kidnapped. That's all it says.

I kinda feel bad tho, they had a daughter, and I'm about to kill her eldest brother. But I gotta do what I gotta do.

( Time passes )

As I wake up feeling the jet fly down I get ready to get off.

As I get off the jet I then go to a car that's ready for me.

I then see a park I then go to the park and park my car. As I get out of the car and go to the grass I then lay down flat on the ground. I then feel my eyes get heavier and drop shut.

Jason Russo Pov

It's been 9 years, 9 god damn freaking 9 years without our Mafia Princess. After the ball we were supposed to have a surprise birthday party for Jasmine the next day after the ball. But no instead some one had to take our princess, but we all have hope, we all have hope that she will come. We are all fucked up. Without our light we are monsters who have no light. But we will find her and when we find her we're going to tourture then kill the Russian's.

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