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Jason Pov

My eyes widen as I see that Petrov just shot his best and the world's best powerful deadliest feared assassin.

"You're such a beautiful disappointment." I hear Petrov say as he and his men run away, leaving the Silencer on the floor, she them blacks out.

As Ethan and I run to her, she has blood everywhere surrounding her.

"Carry her, let's take her to our hospital." My dad says as he walks toward us. Ethan then picks her up, his sisters and my family then follow us.

About 20 minutes later we arrive, once we arrive a doctor runs towards us. He gets a bed and places the girl on their. He then leaves with her and a few other nurses.

We then wait outside her door. About 30 minutes later a doctor comes out.

"Is she ok?" My dad says.

"Her bullet thankfully came out and was not to deep. But I think she was sexually and abused. She has hands print's on her thighs and neck. She has cuts and bruises on her. On her back she has very disturbing words carved on her. I'm assuming she's been abused for years." The doctor says.

"Can we see her?" My mom ask.

"Yes, once she wakes up please get me or a doctor." The doctor says he then leaves.

My dad opens the door and I freeze as I see who it is. We all freeze. It's the girl who saved my son. Jasmine is the Silencer, the girl who saved my son.

I then get a hair from her and give it to my dad, as he looks at me confused.

"Get a DNA test with Jasmine hair, you still have her brush and stuff, see if it's her." I say.

"What?" Luca says.

"I mean, it makes sense shes the same age, and same color eyes. Same almost everything." I explain.

"Ok, I'll be right back and just check it." My dad says he then leaves.

"I'd this is our Jasmine, then why did she try to kill us? How did she become the Silencer?" Jax questions.

I'm not sure but we'll find out soon. Very soon.

It's been an hour since she woke up. My dad just left to go get the DNA results.

We just sit down in silence. About 5 minutes later my dad comes back with an paper.

"Have you seen it?" My mom ask.

"Nope." My dad answers.

He then opens the paper as he ready it, his eyes widen. The paper then drops out of his hands and onto the floor.

I then pick it up and read it.

She's our Jasmine, she's actually our lost Mafia Principessa. The DNA says it's 99.9% What will she think once she wakes up? Will she see us as enimies?

It's been an hour, and she hasn't woken up? "Let's go get some food, mom stay here." I say as the rest get up except my mom. We the leave to get some food.

Jasmine's pov

As I carefully get up, I see a woman standing up with her back facing me. I them realize that it's Laura the ex - Mafia Donna of Italian Mafia. I then get a cord and carefully get up. As Im an inch away from her, I get the cord and put it around her neck.

"If you scream or move, I will kill you." I warned her.

"Sweetie, please don't." She says. Why is she calling me sweetie?

"Don't call me that. Where are we?" I ask, as she was about to speak but her husband and her son's and three other people come in. I identify as the German Don, and his two other sisters.

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