Fourty - nine

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Jasmine pov

It's time. Me and Josh and Petrov are sitting down in the living room. Just give minutes and they'll attack.

I'm scared, yet happy and nervous. So many mixed feelings.

I look at the lock four minutes left. Josh gets up and sits by me. He looks at me.

He then leans in and kisses me, I push him off.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I shout.

"Stop, why'd you kiss her?" Petrov asked.

"I've waited, I've been kind to you for years, I've given hints to you that I love you. What else do you want?" Josh says standing up.

"I said you're like a brother to me. What else can I s-" I said but then my cheek feels hot and it feel stinked like I got stung by a bee. I look up to see Petrovs eyes widen and and Josh looks at mr angery.

"Don't you ever call my brother again? You'll marry me, got it? You'll marry me and hold my fucking children. You don't like it? I don't have a problem forcing you." Josh says as I glare at him.

I go up to him and slap him, he then get me by the throat and lifts me up by the ground.

"I've been kind, very kind in fact." Josh says.

"Put her down!" Petrov demands.

Josh doesn't let me go, I look at the clock three minutes later.

I then start to see black dots.

( Violence )

A second later the windows shatter and men come in. Josh drops me and get runs as he curses, Petrov get me up from the ground and we walk away.

"Let her go!" I hear someone say, we then look back to see Blake. He looks at me, he then looks at me neck as his eyes darken.

Blake then shoots Petrov in the head, Petrov drops down as blood comes out.

Blake comes towards me "Baby, you ok?" He ask as I nod.

"Where'd that bastered go?" He ask as I point to a door way.

"Go somewhere safe." He says but I shake my head.

"I have a plan, when I press this button you'll get a signal but when I do you come in." I said as he nods.

I then go to where Josh went.

As I go in the room I see Josh loading guns.

"Josh?" I whispered.

"What?" He ask as he looks at me. I then walk toward him and hug him.

"Jasmine?" He says as I look up, he wipes a tear.

"Petrov he's, he's d - dead. What - what do we do?" I said as I fake cry.

"Hey hey look at me, it's ok. Ok?" He says as I nod he then wipes a few fake tears.

I then break the hug and load some guns.

"You wanna play a game?" I ask him he looks at me confused. I walk toward him and grab my finger down his chest, he closes his eyes as he groewns.

"What kind of game?" He says as he looks at me, I smirk.

"Tag, better go and run." I said, he looks at me confused.

"If I caught you, I kill you." I said smiling as his eyes widen he then runs towards the door I then quickly press the button.

The door slams open as Blake comes in, he then shoots Josh in the head he falls on the ground.

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