A Stick Up His Ass.

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author's note:

@caprisoons helped me plan a part of this chapter, tysm! go follow :)

i seriously cannot be thankful enough for y'all's help on this book omg 😭

Izuku was nervous out of his mind. Not only over the fact that it was his first day at his dream school, but also over the fact that he'd have to hide that he's deaf. Act normal, speak normal, hear normal, just like if he was any other person.

His eyes darted around the hallways, until he found the classroom he was enrolled to.

Class 2-A.

"Hey, Deku!" Ochako tapped the greenette's shoulder. Which caused him to flinch from the sudden touch. "I tried to call you, but you kept going, sorry." She apologized, noticing how he flinched. "Are you okay? You—"

"Totally fine, Uraraka! You told me you go to class 2-A as well, correct? Oh, would you look at that! We're here." He pointed to the large door to their side, with the 'Class 2-A' sign on the top. Izuku didn't let Uraraka respond, wanting to switch the topic as soon as possible so she wouldn't suspect anything.

Izuku let out a nervous sigh. The most promising students lie behind this door... he thought to himself.

Hopefully everyone in here is nice...

The moment he opened the door, his eyes landed on the students who engaged amongst each other. On the other side of the room, right where the windows were, he noticed the blond he bumped into earlier.

He seemed to be annoyed, his feet being propped up on the desk, with a tall blue haired male seeming to be yelling at him to put his feet down. But Katsuki looked to be giving no shits over it, he was just ignoring him.

"Take your feet off of the table!" The tall, blue haired male yelled at the Bakugo guy.

"Hah?" The blond smirked, which Izuku was weirdly very fond of.

"It's the first day of our second year! just because we've been in here for a while, doesn't mean you get to treat it however you want, Bakugo!"

"I can do whatever want! Why do you always gotta act like you have a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" The blond thought it was funny, so he snickered to himself. His red eyes wandered off to the greenette by the faint door.

Everyone else were talking to the rest of the class among each other. Izuku felt so excluded just then. Everyone knew each other, and he was just... there.

Before he could think about it, he felt everyone's eyes on him. And it made him nervous.

"It's him." He saw the blue-haired male move his lips.


"U-Uh, hi!" Izuku felt his heartbeat go faster.

"Good morning! My name's Tenya Ii—"

"Yeah! Yeah! I, uh, know... Uraraka told me on the way." Izuku scratched the back of his head.

Tenya smiled. "You must be the new student, correct?" He held his hand out for him to shake. Izuku nodded slowly, watching his lip movements to decode what exactly he was saying. He shook his hand.

"Yeah... right."

One by one, everyone sat in their seats, leaving Izuku the only one standing.

Man, this is so awkward... I feel so out of place...

"Your seat, it's over there. It's the only one open." a deep voice from behind him spoke. Izuku flinched a little when the mysterious person placed a hand on his shoulder, "What the-!" Izuku abruptly turned around to find himself looking at a 6'0 tall man with his entire body covered comfortably in a large yellow sleeping bag. He looked extremely tired, eyebags under his eyes, and a light stubble on his face.

"What are you waiting for? Sit down." Aizawa raised a brow. Izuku read the man's lips and nodded. "R-Right, sir..." just as the greenette was about to turn away, the man pats his shoulder again, making Izuku flinch at the sudden touch once more. Man, it would be really useful to have hearing aids right now...

"Ah, you're the new kid, aren't you?" Aizawa asked in a low tone. Izuku nodded hesitantly. the taller man responded with a tired sigh. "Alright, introduce yourself to the class, then you can sit down in your seat."

"Hi! uh, I'm... I'm Izuku Midoriya, uh... I--"

Katsuki stared at the greenette talk a little bit about himself. he didn't like him already. In Katsuki's eyes this guy was just a weirdo who liked to stare at people's lips, which was a red flag in his opinion. I mean, who the hell does that? he sure wouldn't. he would never. Ew.

The blond found himself looking Izuku up and down, examining him a little. His forest green hair stuck out in every direction, which somehow made him look even better. his freckles seemed to stand out from the afternoon sunlight that illuminated the guy's face. If he wasn't such a lip staring weirdo with the wrong looks, He might've just been Katsuki's type. but that would never happen, of course. Katsuki can do better than that. Izuku was supposed to look all perverty like that damn Mineta, not- not like what he looks like right now...

During the rest of the day, Katsuki took note of how ignorant Izuku would be from time to time. Izuku wouldn't respond to his classmates from time to time, hell, even the damn teacher. So not only did he have the wrong looks, was a pervert, but he was also full of ignorance. Man, he was wrong about Iida having a stick up his ass, it was really this Izuku guy who did.

"So you got into the basketball team again?" Kirishima placed his arm on Katsuki's shoulder as they walked back to the dorms. "Tch, yeah. Of course I did. I was the school's best player last year. They were practically begging for me to join." Katsuki smirked cockily. "Begging, huh? Damn." Ejiro rolled his eyes. "What? It sure looked like it. they were basically all over me." Katsuki huffed. "Did you get into the wrestling team?"

The red head grinned. "Yeah! I did! They weren't begging, down on their knees for me like you, but they wanted me back." Kirishima spoke in slight sarcastic tone. "Hey, where is everybody, by the way?" Kirishima looked around, just now realizing that no one was around them but a few students from other classes. "Dunno." Katsuki simply replied.

"Something must be going on... c'mon, let's go to the dorms, bro." Ejiro didn't even ask, just yanking the blond's arm behind him. "Oi! Shitty Hair, what the fuck?!"

The blond was dragged into the dormitory without his consent, the two were faced by almost the entire class, crowding around Izuku.

Izuku panics on the inside a little, as so many people were asking him so many questions, and they were speaking so fast as well! He couldn't keep up with anything! He felt disappointed in himself. His breath hitches slightly, staring at the people around him, having no idea what they were telling him simultaneously. He grew overwhelmed, and eventually...

"I-I'm sorry. I have to go." He shifted his gaze to the ground, keeping a neutral tone to his voice, as he gently pushed past everyone to quickly get to his room.

"What happened, guys?" Kirishima looked confused.

"Well, we were just--" But before Mina could finish her sentence Katsuki interrupted.

"He got overwhelmed." He sighed.


"If you swarm him like that, and ask him dumbass questions, he'll obviously get overwhelmed. That nerd is still new to the school, idiots. Just because all of you extras have been here for a year already, and are used to everything, doesn't mean he'll be fine with it too." Katsuki set his school bag down on the couch.

"Now he probably doesn't wanna talk to you guys." Katsuki shrugged.

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