I'm Not Showing You.

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"I want to know your likes and dislikes. What you're good at drawing most, and least. So, it's a free-handing in today's art class. You can draw whatever you like, and it's totally not because I haven't prepared anything." Tsunagu Hakamada (Best Jeanist), their art teacher, cleared his throat.

"Try your best, since you'll be drawing something you really like, you can make it as detailed and expressive as possible." Everyone nodded.

Katsuki felt a tap at his shoulder. Oh. Right. The nerd. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "what do you want?"

"What are you going to draw?" Izuku asked, trying to get a peak into his canvas to see if he had already started anything. Katsuki just further turned the canvas away from him. "None of your business, I'll show you at the end of class." Katsuki smirked.

Izuku frowned, his nose scrunching a little, "I bet mine'll be better."

Katsuki laughed, "As if. We'll see."

As the class went on, Katsuki could hear everyone discussing things as they painted. Especially Izuku. Izuku seemed to be mumbling as he painted, letting Katsuki know every little thing he was doing as he painted.

Katsuki drew a circle in the middle of the canvas.

Izuku grinned, "Did you see that new Allmight movie that was out this summer? Wasn't it so cool?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure..." Katsuki trailed off, drawing a line at the center of the circle.

Izuku kept glancing at Katsuki to read his response. He smiled everytime when Katsuki wpuld response. "Wasn't the fire scene so cool?"

"Yeah, he saved so many people..." Katsuki mumbled, solely focused on his painting. He added on curly hair, sticking out in all different directions.

"Yeah, yeah! And he almost died in the scene, but he still made it out. It was so cool!"

Katsuki drew eyes, and a sweet smile. Now, it was time to paint.

"Did you not comb your hair in the morning?" The teacher asked, pointing to Katsuki's hair.

"What the hell? No, it looks fine."

"It looks a bit... wild, don't you think?" The teacher commented, trying to smoothen his hair out.

Katsuki swatted his hand away, "It looks better than whatever you have goin' on."

Before Hakamada could say anything, someone called for help. "Sensei! I've accidentally spilled water on my painting and now my Pikachu its all ruined."

Tsunagu sighed, "Didn't I tell you to draw something more meaningful than just Pikachu?" He walked over to the other blond.

Katduki sighed, glad he was gone, and continued with his painting.

"He is right, though." Izuku pointed out.

Katsuki was a bit surprised, "Huh?"

Izuku chuckled, "It does look a bit wild."

Well shit. Now he's gotta do something, right? Katsuki played with his hair a little, trying to fix it. It's funny how when his teacher said something about it, he didn't give two shits, but when Izuku said the same thing, he immediately tried to change it.

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