The Rainbow.

413 19 65

author's note:
guess who's back after like, months 😋

uhm anyways, like i've said before, i will finish my books, but given my current situation, updates will be very slow. but do check frequently ig idk

Izuku's heartbeat was going over a 100 beats per minute as their cabin approached them slowly. Everyone had gotten on already, and it was just the two of them left.

Katsuki looked cool on the outside, Izuku was almost jealous. Because Katsuki wasn't as nervous as he was, he seemed to be taking this lightly, as if they were just friends. Which they were by the way, Izuku just refused to call themselves that.

Katsuki may have seemed cool from the outside, but his palms were sweating uncontrollably. It always tended to happen when he got nervous. He obviously didn't wanna show Izuku how obviously nervous he was, so he shoved his hands in his pockets, rubbing them against himself, trying to stop himself from sweating.

The two sat across from each other. The cabin had huge windows, with its frame being a red color. Just like Katsuki's eyes. Izuku thought. All the cabins were in three colors, red, yellow, or blue, as it was an Allmight themed park.

Izuku sure hoped Katsuki wasn't talking. Because he knew he couldn't look at him without blushing awkwardly. He hated his friends for putting them together. He cleared his throat, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and boy, he sure hoped Katsuki couldn't hear it, because he doesn't know how loud it is.

Their cabin slowly made its way up, Izuku could already see a few couples kissing. Gosh, were they gonna do that too? No! They were just friends. Friends don't do that. Why would you even think like that, Izuku? That's stupid. Don't do that.

"Thank fuck, finally away from the extras." Katsuki slouched against his seat, looking out the beautiful sunset to his side.

Woah. Izuku thought to himself. Katsuki looks absolutely gorgeous.

The sunset seemed to perfectly illuminate the blond's face. The shade to light ratio was perfect, a mix of sunset orange and a purpleish blue. Crap, he looked so good.

He found himself spacing out after that.

Come to think of it, why would Katsuki even like him? He couldn't hear, wouldn't he prefer someone can hear? Katsuki was so perfect... wouldn't he want his partner to be perfect as well?

Hah, that's right. Why would it ever be possible? Katsuki would want someone capable enough to understand him. Someone who would listen to him talk, understand him, and speak back just as good as him.

Izuku, well, what was he? He can't listen to him. He can't understand him unless he reads his lips, and can't even speak back right, he literally mixed "cheese" and "trees" together not too long ago.

Katsuki was probably thinking of how stupid he was to mess up like that. He probably thought of how idiotic Izuku is, how ignorant he is... but Izuku knew he was none of those things, or at least, he doesn't consider himself to be. He wanted to show Katsuki he was nothing like that. But how? It's not like he had eyes on the back of his head to make sure he isn't accidentally ignoring anyone. It's not like he could use his hearing aids either. He... couldn't. He can't. He doesn't want it to happen again.

"Haha! Let's see how you can hear now, Midoriya!"

Not again.

"Izuku. I've trying to get your attention for like five minutes now. What the hell happened?" Katsuki raised a brow.

"Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I spaced out." Izuku pushed his hair back.

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