3 - Random location

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I woke up with a slight of a headache that I'm feeling. I would always get one whenever I wake up and yet this is the worst one that I am exposed to at right now.

I have noticed the surrounding that was different than the other one. I remembered myself inside a dark stinky alleyway that I wouldn't forget, then I met an old man at the end of the tunnel who flashed me with a bright light.

I refused to accept his invitation of trying to kidnap me but I don't think the big guy listened. I think he wanted me and he successfully kidnapped my soul.

Of course that big, unknown slenderman would do that. The way his figure looks just scream little kids' abductor.

I know you all might be thinking that I should be freaking out and screaming right now but this gigantical and humongous bed is so soothing to lay down on. Inside the room where I am now took my breath as the color scale of the enclosed walls have a black, grey and white shades.

I hope the fire on it's place burns this house so I can have my freedom.

My head turned beside to see a medium sized shelf with a ton of books. They were all organized one by one just like the shade of grey colors, although some of them had different hues.

On the top of the counter has a small frame located with a picture on it. Maybe this is my unknown kidnapper's family and it is quite many, but I'm not surprised because some has a lot more.

There was a tall girl almost as tall as the man. Her curly brown hair matching the nature earth's heavenly body and with the blue eyes just like the waves of the ocean matches her beauty. I absolutely agree with my vocabulary sayings as most of them were stating true facts.

There were another people which was the total of five guys. These men should be one of the old man's children, if I'm correct. I'm kind of wondering how they got so much kids inside the family.

As I continued examining the family picture, I saw a small cute person that looks like an only year old, sitting at a chair, looking similar just like me. That would be coincidence, but my inner self is telling me that this is me. I'm not so sure about myself

Do I have a twin? She looks too elegant to be my twin sister and that would be impossible for me to have one. However it doesn't mean I'll just sit here and do nothing but to gaze at furnitures and pictures.

I threw myself out of the bunk, planning to make my greatest escape. I opened the brown door carefully not trying to make a slight of a clatter coming from the this huge door. As I walked outside of the room, I look around my nearby environment. I decided to do the walking tip-toe method to avoid the low noises of my foot's steps.

I did the same at the long hallway. Is this house made from magic? The long corridors are taking me long to be out from this long house. I wouldn't be surprised if this was called a mansion.

My legs are about get tired and collapse, but the view of my surroundings are absolutely jaw-dropping. The white wall blocks makes it look so much beautiful and when I touch it, the barrier gives me chilly bones just like a book's paper.

The art structures from the hanging pictures look so pleasant to stare, with the vibrant colors spreading everywhere the paint.

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