14 - Failed attempt

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A man was walking down the basement. His brown, shiny shoes clicking the stoned floor.

A few water drops dripping down synchronizing everytime the man's steps increases or slows down.

He stops as he saw a familiar guy who was tied up to a chair. He was already beaten up as the boss ordered to. His mischievous smile growing up.

"Well well, looks like the mission failed. Am I right?" He spoke, leaning his face towards the tied up person.

He was waiting for an answer only to get a silent one minute treatment. The man got impatient and punched him directly to his eyes.

Loud screams echoed through the basement, but no one could hear him above the room.

The basement was made with a sound proof.

The tied up person stopped screaming when the man pulled his hair up where he can see his face.

"Next time, text me back when you've already given the food. Because you almost f-----g poisoned me to death." He clicked the safety off from the gun and shot the guy right in the chest.

He didn't want him to die yet.

A small water of blood splashed to his now stained shirt. He groaned and kicked the guy.

"Guard, call the medics." The guard nodded and marched up the stairs.

The unknown man walked to the hallways leading upstairs.

None of the family member knows his failed plan. He kept this secret to himself.


My family were already discharged from the hospital and I am happy that they're back home again after a few days.

Some of them kept throwing up and I was always there to bring the bucket. Well, I almost did puke but I kept my nose shut.

It was most likely the twins or brother Enzo.

Now that we are back home, my family have been more aware when eating foods. They also made sure that the foods the chef cook were not expired.

Miss Eleanor was the most appreciated. She saved me and my family.

Now considering that she is one of my favorite people list!

Right now me and brother Enzo are watching on this app called netflix on the big TV. He explained how it works. Basically, you can watch movies there anytime you want.

'And since we're really rich, we can pay our subscriptions in time' That's what he said to me.

Next time, I'll ask him how'd they get so much money.

"What are you watching bro?" I heard Xavrio's loud voice and I suddenly flinched, just a little bit.

Enzo and Xavrio are looking at me now.

I mean, some people flinch from loud things.

Brother Enzo sighed. "Kids movie. What are you doing here?"

"Me and Xandro will be playing Uno. Wanna join?"

Uno? I've heard of that card game before. I have seen my other dad play it with some of his friends, including my other mom.

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