11 - Baking

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Silence filled Dante's office as I smashed my fist at his table. We both give a glare to each other. Right now we aren't in our best brotherly relationship.

Setting up someone to kill a person isn't allowed on our group unless necessary. He wanted to commit a crime by using one of our assassin workers for vengeance.

Vengeance? For what?

"Dante, I don't know what got into your mind but you can't just do something useless like this without a reason. What is the killing for?" I asked him with a quite trembling voice. If he somehow does this, then we would be hopeless and dead before the target is.

Dante has been my close partner and brother for years. I can't just loose him like this.

I couldn't imagine myself when one ally has to kill Dante if betrayal happens. But no, that wouldn't happen with me and my father's watch.

The creepiest shit is that he's only staring at me with those mischievously dark eyes, although no hate was portrayed I still don't trust his presence.

"Relax, brother," Was the only thing that he said. I clench my fist more, then the next are my teeth.

I don't know why he's acting like this. I don't know why I am like this, too.

He only offered me a small bottle of beer labeled Doppelbock. Quite strong for me but I know that I have to let my anger out.

Accepting his gift for me, I snatched it from his hand and instantly gulped it. I felt a huge burn down my throat, rising up. But the malty sweetness of this alcohol dominates the whole thing.

This beer has a delicious effect on me, and I love it.

The back of my body suddenly ached and I sat on the chair, groaning in pain. This ass of mine.

Both of us are getting older and I assure myself that I got this uncomfortable feeling from my father.

The usual silence in this office lightened up a little bit.


"Good f-----g morning!" Xavrio said with the most very, very normal polite greeting he has ever told me.

I'm glad there's not a glare expression at his face right now. It's too early in the morning to be angry as hell, and I'm sure that I wouldn't like his attitude too.

I let out a sigh and turned my body up to the air.

"You look like a d-mn zombie waking up from the dead," I rolled my eyes and I was the one who glared daggers towards him.

"No s---!" I argued and fixed my flying flocks of hairs at the mirror on the wall.

Not even a second later, Xavrio was already out of my room. I didn't even get to question why he barged in.

The only thing that is keeping me slightly awake is my Little Divine, those two words that melts my heart. Those innocent, doe eyes when she looks at a face of an asshole.

You know what I'm talking about.

She was an angel that fell from the heaven. She was an angel that fell to the dangerous world. Maybe that's why my little sister is named Divine.

Whenever I say her name, god I feel a little more lighter. But I welcomed her with no open arms. I kept my true self inside.

I would only hurt myself if I ever give my love to someone again, so I changed. I changed for myself, but I didn't keep as a promise. And I am still glad that I didn't.

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