🍒002; Sexual Spell

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At night, Maia Martin was seen asleep in her bedroom, in a peaceful state, that was until–––

The red head was seen waking up screaming in horror, creating little cracks on her wall, her breaths coming out as heavy, recalling the image of what she had seen.

Isaac Lahey was seen quickly getting on his bike, riding away from his father, the wheels skating alongside the dark roads of Beacon Hills.

"Isaac! Isaac! Stop! Isaac!" Mr. Lahey yelled at his son angrily.

Isaac ignored his father's every call, pedaling faster, but he then smashed on the breaks of his bike when he heard the feared yells that escaped his father.

Isaac then slowly turned around, only to see his father flying up in the air, then roughly landing on a car nearby.

Blood pouring out the man's mouth, his lifeless body just lying on the car.

A blurry image of a creature was seen coming into view.

A aggressive and vengeful hiss was heard coming from the creature, it's tail waving around, then jumped on the wall, crawling up, jumping on a building.

Soon disappearing.

Maia's green eyes glanced around, a confused look on her face, not quite understanding why she gets these visions, but, she knew one to for sure.

It always comes true.

The red head then whimpered, just thinking back to the vision.


Isaac Lahey was seen rushing inside the railway deport, where he knew Derek had been staying.

"Derek? Derek!" Isaac loudly shouted, calling out to the man.

Derek slowly ascended from the shadows, frowning at the frantic teen.

"Did something happen?" Derek questioned.

"I-it's my dad, he's uh- he's dead." Isaac stammered out.

Derek thinking Isaac did the worse, tightened the tone in his voice.

"What did you do?" Derek firmly asked.

"Th-that's the thing, it wasn't me." Isaac quickly says.

Derek just raised an eyebrow at the young teen.

"I-i can prove it, just- just ask her, she was there." Isaac stammered out.

Derek frowned in confusion. "Ask who?"

"Maia, Maia Martin, she was there..." Isaac trailed off.


"Does it still hurts? I'm sorry." Derek says in guilt, staring at Maia's neck.

His fingers pressed the scarf down a little to see the bite.

Both were in his car, nearby the Beacon Hills High School's parking lot.

"Why are you sorry?" Maia asked confused.

Derek's head was seen in Maia's neck, softly playing tiny kisses along her skin, trailing up and down.

His fangs unknowingly extending, he then lost all control, started growling, then dug his fangs into her neck, digging into her flesh, growling as he bit into her aggressively.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now