🍒010; Cora Hale

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Last night, Maia Martin was seen walking through the school halls, looking around for her younger sister, not actually, but, since they've lived together for so many years.

Ten years to be exact.

Maia was seen stopping in the middle of the halls, her coming face to face with Jennifer Blake.

Jennifer put on her best innocent smile, acting like she wasn't just torturing the younger Martin.

"Hello, Maia."

Maia softly gasped, her becoming a standstill, being pulled into one of her visions.

Jennifer knew what this meant, she knew the only reason when Maia becomes like this is when something's about to be revealed to her and she needs to stop her.

Even if it means risking the Martin's life in the process.

Jennifer then shook Maia's shoulders, needing her to wake up from wherever she was.

Maia gasps out, emerald eyes staring at the woman, her getting a struggle to breathe, then fell into unconscious.

"Can't have anyone knowing my secret just yet." Jennifer then smirks.


Stiles Stilinski's Jeep was seen pulling in front of the hospital, outside the hospital was raining so heavy, wind blowing so loudly, which meant a storm was brewing into the sky.

As the group got out of the Jeep, a bat was noticed in Stiles' hands.

Maia frowns at Stiles. "Why do you have Scott's bat?"

"He got claws, so does Skylar, you got your scream and me...i got the bat." Stiles grins.

"Uh, i don't-." Scott was saying.

"Come on, keep walking, only two of us can get sick." Stiles groans out.

"Hm, Maia? Next time i say someone's evil, believe me, kay?" Skylar pats Maia's shoulder.

Maia frowns at Skylar in confusion. "You didn't tell me she was evil."

Skylar scoffs. "No, but, i was thinking it!"


Melissa McCall, who was inside the hospital, noticed Scott, Stiles, Maia and Skylar, which obviously confused her.

"What are you four doing here? Oh! This is bad, isn't it? What's going on?" Melissa worriedly asks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maia gasps offensively.

"Well...anytime when you guys are together, something bad is going to happen, or already happened..." Melissa glances at them.

"We're here for Cora." Scott then spoke up.

Melissa then saw Derek joining them, then soon came Jennifer.

"All of you..." Melissa suspiciously asks.

"Well, she's my cousin, so..." Skylar says in an obvious tone.

"Moral support." Maia shrugs.

"...why is your English teacher here?" Melissa whispers.

"Bad guy." Maia then says.

"And why does Stiles have my baseball bat?" Melissa then questions.

Scott then sighs out, a serious expression on his face. "Mom, just trust me on this, you need to get out of here, okay?"

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now