🍒012; Fallen

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Eyes that were glowing a bright icy blue was seen, fangs protruding from the Wolf's mouth, ears pointing up that was reminded of a Wolf, facial hair formed on either sides of his face.

Oni was seen surrounding, what seemed like four figures–––

"I hate ninjas." A male voice growls out.

An Oni that was behind him, took out a sword from his chest, making an attempt to attack him, as he seemed distracted by the other Oni in front of him.

The teenager gasps out, feeling a blade being shoved into his back, coming out of his chest, eyes glowing even more due to the surprise.

Another was seen taking a hold of him before his body could hit the ground.

Him tearing up at the sight of the one in his arms, looking down at his bloody state.

"Does it hurt you just as much as it does me..." His voice muffled, sounding like a far distanced echo.

"Does it hurt you..."

"Just as much...."

"As it does me...?"


"Here, this will calm you." Noshiko says, handing Stiles a cup of tea.

Stiles looks up at the woman. "Magic tea?"

"No, chamomile tea." Noshiko corrects.

"He isn't safe here." Ken says.

"He isn't safe anywhere." Noshiko says.

"But–––Allison killed one of them, she killed an Oni, is that possible?" Kira questions.

"Then they killed her." Stiles glumly says.

"Your sister–––Maia? Is that her? She's the one that has been gifted to get visions of the dying, do i have that right?" Noshiko asks.

"Yeah...that's right." Malachai strangely stares at the woman.

"...why? Is there something you want to tell me?" Malachai strangely stares at her.

"No–––he might be coming for her, if it's death she can see, then he'll try to advance her visions." Noshiko advised.

Stiles shook his head, under his eyes all red. "No, no, no more death, no more are going to die because of me."

"The Nogitsune made an excellent move by splitting the two of you." Noshiko says to Stiles.

"Okay, what do we do know?" Malachai then asks.

"Well–––what you need, is a divine move." Ken states.

"...the scroll." Malachai mumbles quietly.


Maia's eyes was seen quickly being opened, her screaming out, holding onto either sides of head, huge waves armoring her body.


Derek Hale, Aiden Steiner and Ethan Steiner, who were in Malia's Coyote Den, had felt a slight shake.

"...okay, please, tell me, i wasn't the only one that felt that?" Ethan looks over at his brother and Derek.

Aiden snapped his head, hearing Maia's voice faintly echoing in his ear.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now