🍒004; Lose My Mind

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At the Martin's house, inside Maia's room was Derek and Maia, the dark haired man knew something was bothering the red haired girl and tried to get her to talk to him, but she didn't seem like she wanted to.

Both Derek and Maia was seen sitting on the edge of her bed, the girl's green eyes staring in space as if thinking of something.

Derek tilt's head lightly, his fingers swiping her red hair that had fallen on her face, right onto her shoulder.

Maia slightly jumped at this contact, coming out of the daze she was in.

Derek staring at her, confused at her reaction, his fingers taking a hold onto her jaw.

"What's wrong?" Derek asks softly.

"Uh, it's uh-." Maia was saying.

"And don't lie to me, sweetheart." Derek gave her a look.

Maia chuckles lightly, giving him a tiny smile, gently pushing him away, her getting up from the bed.


Derek took a hold onto her arm so she won't get far. "Tell me."

"If i tell you, then you'll think i'm crazy." Maia says.

"If you don't tell me, then i won't be able to help you." Derek retorted.

Derek made Maia look into his eyes, the girl sighing out, feeling like she had to listen him.

"It's just that–– i can see him." Maia softly sighs, slightly moving away from him.

"See who?" Derek frowns his dark brows confusingly.

"Him, him." Maia expressed.

Derek grew even more confused at her words. "Him, him?"

"The Alpha, you know? I just–– keep seeing him around, you know? And i know he's dead, but i just can't shake the feeling like he's around, you know?" Maia rambles nervously.

"I feel like i'm losing my mind!"

Maia then sighed out in frustration, her green eyes then looking at Derek's expression, that was unreadable.

"And you don't even believe me, do you?" Maia then asks devastated.

"It's not that i don't believe you, it's that i can't believe he'd actually do this."

"Are you even surprised? Didn't you say he wasn't a good person, and that he'd do whatever it takes to get what he wants?" Maia then reminds.

"Just try to ignore him, okay? Don't trust him, all right? Whatever he says, don't listen to him, okay?" Derek then calmly says.

"I trust you, and only you." A smile then formed upon the Banshee's lips, her hands wrapped around his neck.

She then placed a kiss upon his lips, him without hesitation kissing her back, his hands crawling up underneath her shirt.

She then walked him towards her bed, her pushing him onto her bed, flirtatiously touching his shoulders as she got on top of him.



Stiles was seen storming over to the Mechanic that was working on his Jeep.

"What do you think you're doing? All i needed was a starter!" Stiles says angrily.

"Yeah, but, it looks like your whole exhaust system has got to be replaced here." Tucker says.

"Why do i get the feeling like you're overestimating the damage here?" Stiles asks with a suspicious glance.

NIGHTMARES,  DEREK HALEWhere stories live. Discover now