🍒006; Deep Inside

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Allison Argent's car was seen pulling up in front of the Martin's, to drop off both of the Martins at their house, but not before trying to get the younger Martin's word to keep everything she saw as a secret.

"You have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone about what just happened." Allison says with hope.

"I promise i won't say anything about what just happened." Lydia then says.

This caused a smile to be placed upon the brunette's face, her sighing out in relief.

"...if you can tell me what the hell just happened!" Lydia exclaims in frustration.

Allison stumbled over her own words. "Um, it's uh, i-it's kin-kind of ––– complicated."

"Well, how about you start with where Jackson went, or how about what Derek was doing there, or what is wrong with Erica, or do you need to come up with a plausible lie?" Lydia snidely asks.

Lydia scoffs, getting silence from Allison, then looked at Maia, who just looked out the window, acting like she was searching for something.

"Maia, you're my sister, we hold no secrets, remember?" Lydia then asks in a hurtful manner.

"Right." Maia agrees, looking at her younger sister.

"Then, why do i feel like you're hiding something from me?!" Lydia asks in frustration.

"I am not." Maia scoffs, with a lie.

"You just lied to me, the both of you, and you know...when either are ready to be honest, you know where to find me." Lydia angrily snapped.

Allison glances at Maia, who sighs at Lydia.

"Lydia, just calm down, okay?" Maia soothes.

"No, i won't calm down, okay? Don't tell me to calm down! You've been lying to me s-since th-that–––that night you came back from the woods, after getting some mysterious bite, and then couple weeks earlier you got another bite on your neck, what is even going on?!" Lydia demands.

"Lydia, i just–––i can't tell you, all right?" Maia unintentionally snapped, the girl quickly coming out of the car.

"Why is she being so mean to me?" Lydia's green flickered with tears.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it." Allison softly assures.

"What do you know?" Lydia aggressively says, the girl quickly getting out of the car.


Inside the club, where Jackson Whittemore was, Derek Hale had found the Whittemore, him seeing him on the dancefloor, which caused him to Wolf out, his ears becoming pointy, eyes glowing a bright red color, hairs on either side of his face, canine teeth extended from his mouth.

A loud roar was heard coming from the Alpha's mouth as he was near the entrance.

Derek noticed Argent was looking at him, but paid no attention to him, instead his attention was on Gerard, who just stood there in the middle of the dancefloor as the Kanima circled him around.

Piles of paralyzed bodies around the older Argent.


That night, at the Martin's household, Maia Martin was seen coming out of the house, her running down the stairs, on the search for something.

"Hey, Prada? Prada! You out here? Come on, come on, Lydia's gonna murder me if you're lost, like literally!" Maia calls out in frustration.

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