Chapter 2: The Message

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The Next Day after yesterday, Eunji and Violet were no longer angry at each other, and were getting ready for school. They had their uniforms, and out the door they go. Niko and Luna woke up and realized that Eunji and Violet left for school already. 

Niko: They left. 

Luna: Looks like they are no longer hating each other, for whose the smart one. 

Niko: Yeah! So what is the plan for today? 

Luna: Well we do have our music video today. 

Niko: Didnt Steve say that they can do their work at the set? 

Luna: Yeah..let me call them. 

Luna takes out her phone, and starts calling the girls. Eunji answers the phone. 

Eunji: Hey! Whats up? 

Luna: We have a music video today, why are you guys heading to school? 

Eunji: Because we have to drop off our homework, and get the rest of it. 

Luna: Oh okay, and than you are heading to the set right? 

Eunji: Yeah! 

Luna: Okay, ill send the address to you. 

Eunji: Okay, bye! 

Luna: Bye. 

She hangs up the phone, placing it down on the table, Niko looks at her, looking for an answer. 

Luna: Violet and Eunji are handing in their homework, and getting the rest of it, and than after that they will meet us at the set. Which reminds me now, ill have to send it to them. 

Niko; Okay, well you do that, ima make some breakfast, and than some of it to go for Eunji and Violet. 

Luna: Okay. 

Niko starts making something to eat for her other members, as she packs it up in an package, than put in a bag, with ice packs in it to keep it cold. When she finishes the food, and gets ready to leave the apartment, to head on over to the set, where they can get ready. Luna sends the address, and Eunji gets it on her phone. 

Violet: Was it them? 

Eunji: Yeah, they sended the address to us, we should head over there right away. 

Violet: Okay. 

As they are walking over to the set, for their music video, they get stopped by some students from Eunji's and Violet's school. 

Eunji: Can I help you with something? 

????: Give us your money! 

Violet: No? Why would we do that? 

?????: Just because your an famous girl group, doesnt mean you treat us your fans, rudely. 

Eunji: Well you so called "fans" we dont give money out to you, especially trash. 

???: What did you just say? 

Violet: You heard her.

?????: Thats it, your going to pay for that! Get them girls! 

They start charging at them, but, luckily because they know how to fight these so called trash, get a good beaten. Eunji grabs one of the girls hand pulling it down, as the girl cried out from pain. Violet kicks one of the trash in the leg, making her fall to one knee, and she swings an kick across her face. Their leader of the trash was stunned to see that her good fighters were down already. Eunji and Violet looked at each other than looked back at her, as they started to make their way over to her, she started to run from them. So did her friends, they left Eunji and Violet alone. 

Deadly Idols Part 2!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora