Chapter 10: The Plan

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??????: Hello Eunji. 

Eunji: Why do you keep bothering me. 

???: Because you got me suspended now my parents are just awful! Also because its so much fun! 

?????: Yeah! And especially it was your fault at the cafeteria. 

Eunji: You started it, and we were going to finish it until the teachers came to ruin it. 

??????: Yeah, but, now that Violet isn't here we were thinking about beating you and your boyfriend up. But, we have something bigger in plan. 

Eunji: And what will that be. 

She said looking at them annoyed, as they smirked at her, Eunji just wanted them to tell her, since, she wanted to get it over with, and done. 

????: Your sister and my sister have to fight to the death. 

Eunji: My sister? 

???????: Or do you not have one? 

Eunji: Why does it matter to you, if I have a sister or not? 

????: Just wondering thats all. 

Eunji: I do have a sister, but, Im not putting her into this. 

?????: Are you scared? 

Eunji: No. I just dont want my family to get hurt, thats all. 

????: Well than maybe you should go into battle with Ginny's sister.

Eunji: No need, I got someone who can fight her sister. 

Ginny: Good, cant wait to see them all bloodily after my sister finishes them. 

Eunji: Just tell me where and when. 

Ginny: We have to meet the person you think can beat my sister. 

Eunji: Tomorrow, here. Ill show you. 

Ginny: Cant wait. 

She said smirking, as she watches Eunji and Isaac leave, heading back to their apartment. 

Isaac: What are you doing, you should go to the police! 

Eunji: If I go to the police, it will get worst, and dont worry I know someone who can help me. 

She said as she walks into ther apartment, heading straight to her room, as her roommates try to ask where she went, but, she doesnt answer them, she locks her door. And starts pasting  back and forth, trying to figure out who could be able to take down Ginny's sister. 

4 minutes later: 

She walks out of her room, heading to her members, they looked at her confused. Eunji tells them everything, Violet was stunned, and started to look at her worried. 

Violet: What are we going to do?! 

Niko: I dont know. I mean you dont want your family to get involved, and you told them that you have someone who can fight them, but, like how are we going to be able to do that, without them knowing our true selves? Like we cant tell Addy, Rose, and Azie they will kill us! 

Eunji: The real question is who? Who am I'm going to bring tomorrow to show them, the person who is going to be fighting her sister. 

Out of nowhere, Luna stands up looking at her members, than back to Eunji. 

Luna: Ill do it. 

Niko; No way, I wont allow that to happen! We almost lost Eunji, we arent going to loose you too. 

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